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[27/11/2008 21:57:21]
JUST as you were saving? Whoops. Was your save file all right?
So, if you tie with someone, like you did with Lance, does it count as a loss, and you are senty back to a pokemon center and lose half your money. I've never tied before except in those bloody battle CDs in XD.[27/11/2008 21:56:40]
Emerald Espeon
I always seem to have trouble with the Elite Four and the champion in my Pokémon games. In LeafGreen I couldn't beat Gary until I got lucky with a critical hit on his Charizard. In Crystal I couldn't beat Lance the first time I got to him. When I battled him I kept losing or tying when my Graveler learned Explosion by levelling up and I used it on Lance's last Dragonite. So I had to lose to him to get out of the Elite Four. In Ruby it took me a while to beat Glacia, and in Pearl I had trouble with Lucian.
Greenumbreon, I found the victory road in Crystal really easy too…and I hated the victory road in Ruby the most. I finally got through it for the first time but I was really low on batteries, and it turned off just as I was saving.
Lombre for the spammifier.[27/11/2008 01:57:24]
Did anyone else find Victory Road incredibly easy in GSC? It was just getting to it that was the hard part…
And the Elite Four was far too easy, also.
But it was the RSE victory road that I hated disliked the most.
Fearow for the spammifier.
Fearow flew,
To the zoo,
Solely to peck my eye out.
So I called him a chicken,
And he gave me a whippin',
Which made me cry and shout.[26/11/2008 21:48:33]
If I weren't lazy, and didn't have a tendency to copy things that are cool, and CSS wasn't a foreign language to me, and I didn't have a really bad attitude, I might try running a website. XD
[26/11/2008 20:52:19]
[26/11/2008 20:12:21]
Vistory… Road… Evil…
[26/11/2008 20:11:56]
Pikachu Goddess
It's either they're horned toads or some kind of dinosaur.
Fire Red had the same difficulty as R/S/E, in my opinion. Personally, I loved Victory Road, although it was annoying as hell. All of those damn boulders got on my nerves. >_<[26/11/2008 18:20:40]
Website: Cyndaquazy's SiteI extremely like your site, Butterfree. Especially the Babelfished page: Who knew Balfish could do things like that?!
[26/11/2008 13:17:45]
Bulbasaur is supposed to be a dinosaur, thats why it ends in -saur! and Ivysaur and Venisaur! They're dinos!
[26/11/2008 04:20:27]
You're right!!!!!!!!!! pokemon isn't logical!!!!!!!1
[25/11/2008 23:49:50]
This is an awesome website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25/11/2008 23:48:15]
Pokemon isn't supposed to be LOGICAL. Tis nice to escape from the real world into a world where female Pokemon can evolve into male (or is it the other way around?) and a husk of a Pokemon can be alive, and do stuff.
[25/11/2008 21:10:00]
Maybe because it's a fast as lightning, so it could easily push off?
Meh. If your try to look at Pokemon logically sometimes, you get a headache.[25/11/2008 20:46:22]
Thanks. I'm pretty sure that Venusaur is a horned toad because of the implied texture of it's skin. Bulbasaur and Ivysaur are probably some kind of frogs with ears. All of them have been genetically mixed with plants. Kinda impossible when you think about it, but hey. Pokémon can be impossible!
(Zapdos's wings are too large. They would create too much wind resistance to fly as fast as pictured in Pokémon:the movie 2000. Also the heavy wings would pull Zapdos down at takeoff before they would provide lift.)
Charmeleon for the spammifyer[25/11/2008 16:45:50]
I personally found playing Leaf Green much easier than the original games on Game Boy, but that could be because I'm several years older and have a lot more experience with Pokemon games. The difficulty overall shouldn't be that different, I think.
I think Bulbasaur's pointed "ears" make him some kind of horned-toad.[24/11/2008 20:59:48]
All my friends say Firered was hard, but I'm the only one who didn't find it difficult! It was my first game that I completed, and I only trained one Pokemon: My Blastoise. It only took me 20 hours to beat Firered. On my Yellow, I only have 5 badges, and it's been 26 hours already.
[24/11/2008 20:23:34]
Bulbasaur and his family are based off of generic reptiles spliced with plants.
[24/11/2008 15:53:17]
I think they're toads…. All I know is that Venusaur's flower is a rafflesia, or something like that.
[24/11/2008 14:36:09]
What are Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur based on? Dinosaurs just doesn't seem right…
Torkoal for the spammifyer[24/11/2008 13:32:34]
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