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Yes! Snow day!
[10/12/2008 13:41:42]
There's nothing wrong with the Liberals, just there was a discussion on the coalition they're forming! (Read back some posts)
[10/12/2008 12:40:18]
Wow, arguments about Canadian politics. Too…many…governments…
*fetal position*
Dragonite for the spammifier pokemon.[09/12/2008 22:55:32]
Once again I say, lol silly Canadian Politics. And lol furrybii
[09/12/2008 22:53:50]
I really like your site!
Platinum on March 22!!!
Oh, and why is everyone talking about Liberals?
What's wrong with Liberals?[09/12/2008 22:00:30]
Oh… My…. Gosh… Platinum…Coming out… In America… On March 22, 2009… Check Serebii … for more info… Tyranitar for spammifier… He's my fav!
[09/12/2008 19:32:24]
Website: StormVideogames Free GamesNice Pokemon site, people! Keep up the great work! :D
[08/12/2008 15:09:45]
Silly Canadian politics.
[08/12/2008 04:13:38]
Think about it. If you have a strong opinion or belief that can only be expressed by having a certain party in power, you would want that party in power any way possible. For instance, I don't want the Green Party in power, because at times they wanted to do things like, "ban fishing" and "ban hunting" and would tax us to our graves. I'm for the environment, but not if WE die of starvation instead.
Only 4000 more explorer points to go![08/12/2008 00:20:30]
ANY way possible?
*imagines NDP-fans planting a bomb in Stephen Harper's house*[07/12/2008 22:31:47]
Obviously, whoever supports the Liberals or NDP would support the coalition, because they would want their party in power any way possible.
[07/12/2008 19:59:47]
Emerald Espeon
I myself am in favour of the Liberal and NDP coalition… *hides*
[07/12/2008 19:03:14]
Ah, so you didn't die.
Life in the universe is going quite fine, Charizard Morph.
The only problem is how slow dial-up is.
And how confusing the Canadian government has become.
And how I don't have a space shuttle.
And the fact that woodchucks can't chuck wood.[06/12/2008 21:34:22]
I've been on a MD2 spree lately. I picked up the game and started playing it yesterday, and haven't put it down since. I only need about 9000 exploration points till I reach master rank![06/12/2008 15:48:07]
I don't need to know much about the Canadian government specifically to discuss the mechanics of government. About the various parties, I asked a few people I know in Canada.
[06/12/2008 15:19:47]
Commenting on: 12-05-08Quaete, it just needs Platinum sprites, that's all.
[06/12/2008 14:46:03]
By the way opaltiger, how do you know so much about Canadian government?
[06/12/2008 12:44:29]
It's perfectly legal, but it seems unfair, since we had already elected our government.
[06/12/2008 12:43:15]
Whadda you mean? Be more specific.
[06/12/2008 04:19:26]
Commenting on: 12-05-08What is wrong with the sprite generator?
[06/12/2008 04:12:11]
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