
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Some Guy

It's time for… A random quiz!

(This one actually has answers, for those of you that were around six months ago)

I'd recommended to using Bulbapedia.

1a Which Pokemon (Including glitches) has both the lowest speed stat and the highest attack stat?

b Which two Pokemon (not including glitches) have the lowest speed start?

c Which Pokemon (again, not including glitches) has the highest attack stat without using moves?

2 Which three ghost types aren't classified as purple or black by the Pokedex?

3 Which of Rotom's forms (Heat Rotom, Frost Rotom, etc.) Has the lowest power Special Move?

4a What are the chances of running into a shiny Pokemon in the wild?

b How many shiny Pokemon are there in Mystery Dungeon 2?

c In all the generations, how many catchable shinies are you guaranteed to encounter?

I'll give the winner cookies…Unless I eat them myself. >:D

[22/11/2008 16:57:12]

Butterfree's Conscious

Have you started the Sprite Generator? Everyone is waiting…

[22/11/2008 15:51:04]


…how would "My Pokemon Is Fight" look….in German…..?

o_o …..if it

s up, i haven't noticed Dx

Jirachi 4 spammifier! :D

[22/11/2008 15:43:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

"Hello, aren't you Icelandic? Are you also Dragonfree at the forums?"

And my reply was "Yes, I'm Icelandic, and yes, I'm Dragonfree."

[22/11/2008 15:27:19]


Yes, Butterfree! Tell us what it said!

[22/11/2008 13:29:34]


foreign words give me headaches. I assume that was Icelandic? cuz it seemed like Butterfree was fluent.

and i like the animal crossing series, though i haven't gotten City Folk…yet

[21/11/2008 19:33:49]


Does anyone else like the Animal Crossing series?

If so, did you get Animal Crossing: City Folk yet? Do you like it?

If you don't like the series, why?

If I'm the only one who likes it, I'll be sad.

[21/11/2008 13:46:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Jú, ég er íslendingur, og ég er Dragonfree.

[20/11/2008 21:56:52]


say wha? my head hurts

[20/11/2008 21:41:36]


hæ ert þú ekki íslendingur?

ert þú líka dragonfree á serebiiforums?

[20/11/2008 20:08:14]


thinking of it you must get a ton of e-mail.

[20/11/2008 17:32:11]


and that is why i don't run a website…i'd never, ever do anything with any emails i got. the poll would be the same for years on end, and the sections would never get updated. i'd star everything, then make up excuses not to do anything.

glad to know i'm not the only uberlazy person around.

[19/11/2008 20:09:21]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, I've checked my e-mail all right. I just have a tendency to think "Not now" when the e-mail asks me to do something, like read a Babelfishion and put it up or go over a website and review the whole thing, so I star it and forget about it for a number of months before I finally go through everything I've starred.

[19/11/2008 07:32:04]


You haven't checked your e-mail since March…@_@ long time, lol.

[19/11/2008 01:31:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, those are the new affiliates.

I discard the far majority of Babelfishions; only the ones that really amused me when I read them go on the page. It's overloaded enough already without me putting all the submissions I'm still getting on there.

[17/11/2008 23:55:52]

Emerald Espeon

I think the three new affiliates are PLDH, Pokémon Online, and Lugia's Island.

[17/11/2008 21:45:18]



[17/11/2008 21:08:41]


How do you say Togepi?

To-guh-pi or To-juh-pi?

Just wondering.

Articuno for spammifier!

[17/11/2008 20:44:19]


What are the new affiliates?

[17/11/2008 20:22:26]


I guess that means mine stank :/

[17/11/2008 19:35:14]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC