
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Red Palkia
Commenting on: 11-02-08

um……can i use some of your own pokemon sprites ex. i will borrow leta……pls email me……

[03/12/2008 08:00:18]


sprite gen…. PLEASE!!!!!

[02/12/2008 02:39:43]


God..i cant spell my spammifier….picharichu?…

well on the ranger game the 2nd one is the only one i played and it is definetly worth my like 35$ >.> but seriously it was cool very nice story and all the styler capture different effects and i played it for about…lemme thhink ..prolly 20 hours? And i almost didnt stop it was more than a day so maybe 30 hours even omgosh it was awesome id say if yur thinking about it buy it.

[02/12/2008 01:53:47]


Personally, I loved the Ranger franchise.

On the topic of websites shutting down, I hate with a fury when a site is shut down, without the admin informing anyone. Like Pokechow, or Valley of Nightmares.

[01/12/2008 20:27:33]


Did anyone else have problems with the site at around 7am this morning? I couldn't post on here or access the Quest Blog. Everything else I tried was fine.

Spoon, I bought the game last Saturday. I'd recommend it to most people, especially those who liked the first Ranger game - most importantly for me, it's LONGER! The first game was so short. In this one, the plot is nice and juicy, and, of course, there are the 60 side quests to keep you playing, so it's a lot better. The health bar system is also a big improvement, though it does make the bosses sort of easy.

The website reference on the impostor's post is also wrong…a pretty poor attempt at an imitation, if you ask me.

Rayquaza spammifier =] First ever legendary!

[01/12/2008 18:08:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

*very, very amused*

Come now, my grammar is better than that. :P "has went a long way"? "it's time has come"? "to old"? And I always write "Pokémon" with the é.

[01/12/2008 12:23:31]


Props for actually coming up with reasons for shutting down thesite unlike the majority of people though. And you almost made me lol. Almost.

[01/12/2008 06:48:08]


heyy, i think there's an imposter posing as Butterfree. Whoever you are, you are terrible at this, because you lack the admin sign when you post

[01/12/2008 02:35:30]


Hrr, I'm assuming that you're a imposter of Butterfree, as you're lacking an Admin label, and this hasn't been posted on the website, or the forums :D

Uh, haven any of you guys bought and played Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia? I'm sort of wondering if I should get it, but what I'm able to buy is limited >:

[30/11/2008 23:58:22]

Some Guy

Hmm…I think that's an impostor…Where's the 'Admin'? It's simple enough to fake it, Butterfree has her email on the site and it's not that hard to put in TCoD as your website.

And by the way, Astley did rickroll the parade. :)

[30/11/2008 23:49:51]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I am sorry to say but I am closing this site. The Cave of Dragonflies has went a long way, but I'm afraid it's time has come. I am getting to old for Pokemon, and my boyfriend and family need me more. This site will close the 8th of December. I want to give thanks to all of my fans that have been with me to the bitter end. Goodbye.

[30/11/2008 23:20:26]

Some Guy

Dis you see how Rick Astley Rickrolled the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?

[30/11/2008 16:58:08]


Yeeah, Wallace wasn't exactly what you'de call difficult…

Hey, you know how on Serebii, they now have PokeEarth? Well, it shows Sinnoh as an island south of Almia! I always though it was an island north of Johto and Kanto!!!

[30/11/2008 12:50:43]


hey what's up?

1.I love shiny Ninetales!!

2.Emerald Version is the best!

1.I the way all the in the beginning are bug/poison/normal types

2.I how the Elite Four in Emerald is sooooo incredibly weak…….no challenge whatsoever

Rotom for spammifier…

[29/11/2008 23:19:32]

Pikachu Goddess

*lols* Those are some great ones, Greenumbreon.

[29/11/2008 21:36:22]


butterfree ^-^ did you get my story i sent you?

ok…. 2 things you love and 2 things you hate about pokemon

1.Love MEW!


1. Hate all walk through caves (mt moon , victoryroad. Etc.

2. How the games are almost all the same just new citys and pokemon

[29/11/2008 21:25:10]


butterfree ^-^ did you get my story i sent you?

ok…. 2 things you love and 2 things you hate about pokemon

1.Love MEW!


1. Hate all walk through caves (mt moon , victoryroad. Etc.

2. How the games are almost all the same just new citys and pokemon

[29/11/2008 21:03:45]


Oh, yay. Chuck Norris facts. I have a few! From here.

When Chuck Norris has surgery, they apply the anesthesia to the surgeons.

Chuck Norris has already been to Mars, that's why there are no signs of life on the Red Planet.

The universe isn't expanding; it's running away from Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris said life is fair. You going to disagree?

[29/11/2008 15:23:51]

Some Guy

What coincidence, I have a book of all things Chuck Norris.

"There were actually a fourth wise man in the Bible, Chuck Norris. Chuck gave baby Jesus the gift of Beard, which he wore proudly until his dying day. Unfortunately, the other three wise men banded together and removed Chuck from the Bible."

And my personal favorite: "Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.

[29/11/2008 15:17:27]

Pikachu Goddess

"When Chuck Norris does a push-up, he doesn't push himself up. He pushes the Earth down." XD I saw a poster full of them in Zellers. Oh, and don't forget that Chuck Norris has a third fist under his beard.

I totally agree with you, Greenumbreon. Crystal's Victory Road was super easy. I say it took me less than ten minutes to complete.

[29/11/2008 02:43:26]

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