
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Some Guy

They meant feces as in excrement, waste, whatever. And it's not like you're in any position to correct other people's spelling mistakes. ('There' instead of 'they're', 'im', 'gaotta', etc.. I could go on.)

[09/11/2008 22:40:42]

spammer now and later

Yea I made eggs and you guys are mad at me wat! *stuffs my mouth with eggs*

[09/11/2008 22:08:28]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Its spelled faces stupid

[09/11/2008 21:52:37]


I'd rather not believe the guy who made feces jokes… It would be hard for him to improve himself, with Babelfish and all… But Babelfish DOES kind of mess stuff up… As shown in an article of Butterfree's, labeled Babelfished

[09/11/2008 21:14:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The disturbing dude, you do not know Icelandic. I feel inclined to doubt Spanish and Chinese as well, but there is no conceivable reason for you to know Icelandic unless you actually are Icelandic (which I have to say you are probably not, considering you didn't type the accent mark in my name). Aside from that, you generally do not give off the impression of being the kind of lingual genius to become fluent in four languages within two years, least of all languages like Icelandic and Chinese which are really hard to learn. If you want to be believed, produce some actual examples instead of sitting there making baseless claims.

Also, what? I learned English primarily from reading, not from a video game. o_O Not that there aren't very many people who learn English from video games anyway.

[09/11/2008 18:50:08]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Who wants eggs*brings out platter with eggs* there fresh we ala mode with casa mese podas`on peske pinto ey minuti

[09/11/2008 16:29:04]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Yea it took like 2 years though

[09/11/2008 16:24:06]


You mean you're fluent in ALL those languages?

[09/11/2008 16:06:46]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Well p goddess I know french icelandic spanish english (duh) and chinese

[09/11/2008 15:29:04]

Pikachu Goddess

I can write paragraphs in French. But, French is my least favourite subject, so I decided to not take it this year.

Also, that takes a lot of determination to learn a language.

[09/11/2008 15:16:03]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Well the cake is done xp

[09/11/2008 14:10:11]


You should be congratulating her on even learning how to speak English. I've been studying French for three years, and I still have trouble writing complete paragraphs!

[09/11/2008 12:00:52]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Sorry to say is hlin but that's so nerdy to learn english from a video game lol im usually over my girlfriends house but I mean no one learns english from video games 0-o

[09/11/2008 05:35:56]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

K the cakes done XP *brings out chocolate cake*

[09/11/2008 00:58:56]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Yea im gonna bake a cake it'll be ready in a sec`kay *whips up cake batter*

[09/11/2008 00:08:17]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

You gaotta be lucky

[09/11/2008 00:04:58]


I've only had a spammifier Arceus once.

[09/11/2008 00:01:16]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Oh and im not a spammer anmore *eats last piece of cake* oh and my spammifer was arceus!

[08/11/2008 23:39:01]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Sorry I messed up my name o-0

[08/11/2008 23:33:38]

the distufbing dude (-_-)

Oh yea I saved a piece *hands thyploise a piece of cake*

[08/11/2008 23:32:27]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC