Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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I realy like this site. I don't have much more to say…
[15/11/2008 17:38:25]
Tangela! You don't hear that name often. I think I have a figurine of that somewhere…
Oddly, I don't really make judgments about Pokémon. Well, Absol is kinda nice. And I liked Celebi for a long time before that, but having a legendary as a favourite is a bit typical. Not that I'm saying many people dislike ether of those.
Typhloise, are you perhaps referring to the first ever Indian space mission? I think it was going to the Moon - wherever it was, it reached it the other day. It wasn't a shuttle, though.
Can't wait for Shadows of Almia on Friday![15/11/2008 17:36:45]
random question cuz i'm bored…
what is your favorite pokemon that other people seem to dislike?
for no particular reason, i love tangela! w00t![15/11/2008 16:15:53]
I feel very alone, sitting here with no one to talk to :(
maybe i should get started on the sprite page i've been saying i'd make for weeks[15/11/2008 16:13:58]
This is totally random, but I feel green with insane jealousy every time I look at Butterfree's sprites. They are amazing. Mine look silly in comparison.
[15/11/2008 13:16:03]
I saw it! It was awesome! The only other shuttle launch I've ever saw was when they launched the first one in either India or France.
[15/11/2008 12:41:22]
I had no idea :D
[15/11/2008 09:29:54]
Some Guy
The space shuttle Endeavor blasted off about an hour ago now.[15/11/2008 01:58:30]
There was a space shuttle? Where?
[15/11/2008 01:45:29]
Some Guy
Did anyone else see the space shuttle take off just now? :O
[15/11/2008 01:09:30]
Pikachu Goddess
Silly trolls.
[15/11/2008 00:54:07]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies*amused*
Typhloise, there is no need to get upset. It's obviously a troll (i.e. somebody who posts something in the hope of getting a reaction).[14/11/2008 22:40:45]
I absolutely love your site.
I can't stand those sites with bad grammar and dumb cheats. No, this is the work of a truly dedicated PokeManiac.
Oh, and I LOVE your stories. Well, pretty much anything in the "Creative" section.
Thank you, Butterfree. You're great.[14/11/2008 22:38:40]
Some Guy
Yep, definitely trolling.
[14/11/2008 21:49:53]
"–ll–_", It's people like you who make me sick. You shouldn't be one to judge people's sprites, you lazy, no good, sprite stealing, grave digging, son a a person who sells their body for vast sums of money! (I would swear, but I don't want to be counted for spamming!)
If I could find more ways to describe you, you sneaky, sleezy weasel, I would! Why don't you crawl back to your your dirty, dank hole of a h*e house!
Excuse my language, but I am extremely infuriated at the moment. Never come back here again, or I will personally infect every one of your websites or profiles on the internet. And then some.[14/11/2008 20:24:05]
Some Guy
Okay, that has to just be trolling.
Hehe. I'm surprised there isn't a 'Numel Numel' (Numa Numa) fad going around.[14/11/2008 20:19:56]
I lol'd
[14/11/2008 20:18:26]
I ussualy steal poke'mon website sprites (ex. the sprites that the owner has fused recolored or spliced) and post them on my youtube videos, but your sprites are terrible! Who would ever want to steal those things you call pokemon sprites! I know your hiding the good sprites somewhere! E-mail me your sprites you've been hiding all this time!
[14/11/2008 18:56:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesWhenever I've actually made it. I've been in the absolute most unproductive mood in existence for the past week or two and absolutely incapable of doing anything besides watching ReGenesis with my boyfriend and occasionally writing a couple of words of fanfiction.
[14/11/2008 00:10:01]
when is the new sprite gen gonna be up????
[13/11/2008 20:34:59]
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