
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


You haven't checked your e-mail since March…@_@ long time, lol.

[19/11/2008 01:31:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yes, those are the new affiliates.

I discard the far majority of Babelfishions; only the ones that really amused me when I read them go on the page. It's overloaded enough already without me putting all the submissions I'm still getting on there.

[17/11/2008 23:55:52]

Emerald Espeon

I think the three new affiliates are PLDH, Pokémon Online, and Lugia's Island.

[17/11/2008 21:45:18]



[17/11/2008 21:08:41]


How do you say Togepi?

To-guh-pi or To-juh-pi?

Just wondering.

Articuno for spammifier!

[17/11/2008 20:44:19]


What are the new affiliates?

[17/11/2008 20:22:26]


I guess that means mine stank :/

[17/11/2008 19:35:14]

Emerald Espeon

Well, I've missed a lot. I just read back 11 pages :P

Yay, the site is six years old and I'm about two weeks late to say that :D

I'm not really fond of a lot of the new evolutions in the 4th generation…except Gallade, which I kind of like.

[17/11/2008 18:03:17]

Pikachu Goddess

Shame my computer doesn't allow me to send you e-mail from the link you posted. Meh. I'll say it now:

I remember in Pastoria a Galactic Grunt standing by the Safari Zone entrance (before you beat Wake) and if you talk to him, he'll say something along the lines of "Little buggers like you shouldn't mess with Team Galactic!" Hm. Buggers = ****ers. First swear in a Pokémon game. Sorry I couldn't get the exact quote.

I was facing Brock yesterday and after Sand Attacking his Onix until his accuracy couldn't go any lower, I send out Charmander. Then, Onix uses Rock Tomb, hitting my poor Charmander. Twice. Honestly, I was cursing that Onix like there was no tomorrow.

By the way, I like Tangrowth. It's my favourite evolvement from the first gen in the fourth. All the others, in my opinion, aren't that great. Especially Rhypherior.

[17/11/2008 03:14:30]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 11-16-08

However long it takes me to get off my lazy butt and put it up. Those who submitted a Babelfishion in April had to wait seven months. Those who did in October had to wait one. If somebody had submitted one yesterday, they would have had to wait one day.

[17/11/2008 02:21:13]

Commenting on: 11-16-08

how long does it take from sending it a babelfishion until it being posted if it's any good?

[17/11/2008 00:41:23]




[16/11/2008 22:50:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Huh? Starred e-mail as in that I starred it when I got it, as an "Okay, just so I'll remember this when I get around to doing something with it."

[16/11/2008 22:43:09]


Wait, are we supposed to star our babelfishions?

[16/11/2008 22:18:16]


I puzzle myself quite often.

And I totally think Butterfreeish should be a word. I will forever describe things, people, and events as Butterfreeish.

Wait, brain working here, even better: Butterfreetastic!

you know, you are the most famous person I have ever talked to.

[16/11/2008 20:49:38]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I'm not offended; I'm just sort of… puzzled that you got that impression. o_O

[16/11/2008 20:40:40]


and look at that

i misspelled my own name

nice job, Taite

[16/11/2008 20:19:14]


This is my best apology:

Butterfree, I am sincerely sorry for saying rude things about you. You aren't exactly sarcastic, more like…*thinks of word* Butterfreeish. Any offense caused was unintended. Don't hate me for all of eternity.

Signed, Taite

(I've always wanted to talk to a famous person. Sorry again)

[16/11/2008 19:27:49]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Honestly, I'm not sure about the temperament thing either. :/ I only get angry when people are being extremely dense or seriously violate my sense of justice.

[16/11/2008 19:02:44]


Sorry, Butterfree. I always here people with your, um, temperament, talk about how tangela and other such pokemon should never have seen the light of day.

[16/11/2008 18:50:51]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC