
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Yea I found out about the link wen I went over my ex's house

[08/11/2008 23:28:44]


Wow. Supposedly I'm a…



You live in the valleys of Prince Edward Island, and your diet consists mostly of berries, meatballs and blood.


(Combat and Non-combat)

You can walk on maple syrup. You have scaly skin. You can shoot lava. You can shoot salt spikes. You can resist hot death. You can shoot ice bolts. You can shoot poison. You can throw rocks.

Natural Enemies

Your natural enemy is Vulwad.

It's actually neat!

[08/11/2008 23:20:19]

the disturbing dude (-_-)
Website: not mine but its a funny link XD

Try going to this site its funny but has nothing mean against pokemon so if you sensitive don't go here but its not offensive in any way its just for fun! XD

[08/11/2008 21:30:45]

the disturbing dude (-_-)

Hey its a good website! *takes a piece of cake* and its gonna get 300,000,000 page hits soon XD

[08/11/2008 20:41:30]


Happy Anniversary! Six years, that's a long time, isn't it?

*takes a piece of cake*

[08/11/2008 20:35:20]


Thers still more cake if ya want some *pulls out half eaten cake* sorry there's not much left

[08/11/2008 20:15:31]


Lol happy birthday TCoD *brings out cake shaped like groudon* who wants cake!

[08/11/2008 18:03:26]


Happy anniversary!

[08/11/2008 17:31:57]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The disturbing dude, I told you I would ban you if you made one more spam message, and I will. As it happens I'm at my boyfriend's right now trying to enjoy our two-year anniversary (thanks for casting shadow on my day!) so I can't do it at the moment, but you will be strangled if you use this as a reason to sit here and spam up the guestbook because you'll be banned anyway.

[08/11/2008 17:19:53]


I don't think any of us HATE you, tDD. It's just we've had alot of spammers on this guestbook, and so we very much dislike them.

T Cave of Dragonflies creator goes by Butterfree on the guestbook, and Dragonfree on most other forums on different sites. If you read the "About Me" section on the site, it says her name is Hlin, but we're not supposed to call her that.

[08/11/2008 12:39:24]


I saw a link to this site on Gaia Online. It is very well done and extremely addicting… I'm not sure of the name of the creator, but… Good job! (whoever you are…) Nice spam filter by the way…

[08/11/2008 06:25:57]


Yeah, I confiscated some cake. *hands you some* y'know, TDD was actually pretty nice before he started spamming… oh well…

[08/11/2008 03:18:05]


And I'm back.

Is there any cake left?

My mysterious absence is explained with the following, for those who actually care:

1. Dial-up decided to be lazy and not work for a month.

2. A lack of anything interesting to say for the past few days that I have been able to connect to the internet.

Oh, and don't worry too much about that disturbing guy, he's obviously a disturbed (and disturbing) psychopath on drugs, and should die soon as a result.

[08/11/2008 03:13:08]


um… the disturbing dude, please stop spamming…

[08/11/2008 02:36:29]

Commenting on: 11-02-08

Happy birthday, Butterfree's Pokemon Site! <3

[08/11/2008 00:20:02]


Isn't this how Munch started? First, he was just some immature spammer. Butterfree kept banning him, but he still came back. Eventually, he tried to convince usthat he wasn't going to spam. Then he spammed again.

Also the DD, you should have given up jokers about peoples feces a loooooong time ago.

Also, I have nothing against Tertwig-Base, but why would you rather go an inexperienced, simple website, instead of an experienced website with dedicated yet simple arcticles?

I think I speak for all of us when I say that we don't care whether or not it's your cousins spamming!

Congrats on getting your internet set up, Pikachu Goddess!

Wow, long post.

[08/11/2008 00:09:20]

Pikachu Goddess

Nice try. You spelt my username wrong.

My internet's working! :DDD

… Ugh. I loathe spamming. It would be greatly appreciated if you stopped.

[07/11/2008 23:15:29]


Grrr… Get the next person that spams, Ledyba!

[07/11/2008 20:21:43]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

The disturbing dude, if you make one more spam message or one that mentions poop (and I don't care if it's your "cousins"), I will IP ban you. And yes, he and oops/rrr/www were the same person.

EvilPenguin, spamming the guestbook up more does not help.

[07/11/2008 15:52:56]

Pikachu Goddess

See, that's the great thing about my username: people can see what gender I am at first glance. :D But, I am thinking of an alternate username where it isn't that easy to guess what my gender is.

I'm surprised you remember ShinyRiolu! … Actually, wasn't it just for chatspeak that we were quarreling over back then?

Speaking of past posters, I wonder where Shiny Noctowl is?

[07/11/2008 14:22:52]

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