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Check out this site!
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia[13/11/2008 12:27:23]
It has five main ones, then there are a couple that aren't really important. The thing that makes them easy is that a lot of them are the same endings and have a bunch of memory tricks. It also helps that my seat makes it easy to, ah, possibly write the answers on a small piece of paper, if you catch my drift. Not that I would ever do something like that *whistles *
[12/11/2008 19:14:20]
EvilPenguin - doesn't Latin have about 40 cases, though, all of which have their own rules? That's what a friend told me.
To anyone wondering - Hiragana is used for Japanese words, whereas Katakana is used for imported words. The problem with the latter is that the imported words usually have sounds which Japanese can't cope with (especially consonants without a following vowel), so they have to be changed. For example, my name would become "akwaruta", "soccer" becomes "sakaa", and "basketball" turns into "basuketoboru". (That last one is fun to say.)
Also, because Japanese mixes up "l"s and "r"s, you have to get used to saying "ra" as "lra" and so on. It's easy once you get used to it.[12/11/2008 07:07:38]
See, this is exactly why I take Latin - it isn't very difficult, its almost exactly like English grammar-wise, and has very few words that don't follow the standard rules of the grammar
[12/11/2008 05:18:01]
Website: Igloos and DumbbellsJust curious, if you get a Pokemon like Arceus, Wormadam, etc. can you get one of their alternate forms?
[12/11/2008 04:25:37]
Hello, Butterfree. I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you put into this site. Every time I need to get a good laugh or find the answer to my question, I look here. This site is truly a work of patience and dedication.
[12/11/2008 01:05:07]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesJapanese has three writing systems, Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. Kanji mostly consists of symbols jacked from Chinese which do stand for whole words or concepts, but Hiragana and Katakana are syllabic; there is a symbol for "ya", for instance, and a symbol for "ko", and a symbol for "su", and so on. You can also form words with those, without using Kanji; the text of the Pokémon games doesn't have a lot of Kanji, for instance, since it would require a lot of space just to store them all.
[12/11/2008 00:50:50]
I'm stuck, Butterfree! I need help: I need to know how to convert images to jpg! Please, I need help!!!
[12/11/2008 00:43:41]
almost….it's horrible Dx I gave up on learning….probably because I was trying to teach myself. >.<
[12/11/2008 00:06:08]
Wow, a symbol for EVERY word? Chinese does sound hard. Is japanese like that?
[11/11/2008 21:36:36]
Pikachu Goddess
Learning another language is always long and tedious, but I'd say it would be worth it in the end. Kind of like if I were ever to learn Japanese. Going to Japan has been one of my life long dreams, and I'm bound to go there someday.
[11/11/2008 19:21:54]
I've always liked studying languages. I've learnt French for three years and German for two. I'm not that bad - I can write paragraphs, at least, if that's how we're measuring it by.
I was very lucky to be able to go to an after-school Japanese club last year. It ended in the spring, upon which I promptly forgot most of what I'd learnt for the past two terms. Looking at my notes, I could probably piece together a basic self-introduction, but that's it. They didn't restart it this year, but they did say we might be able to study it in lesson time in the sixth form (that's a year away for me!).
I think Chinese would be useful to learn, but if it's that hard, I won't bother…
Venusaur spammifier! Yay for the oldies.[11/11/2008 07:07:56]
The forums seem to be working now so no prob :D I doubt your know all those languages and as Butterfree said hard to learn ones like Chinese and Icelandic. I see no reason why you would learn Icelandic either. How would it help you? I know Chinese and can tell you there isn't an alphabet, you just HAVE TO REMEMBER EVERY WORD BY ITSELF and you can't sound it out or anything. Plus the words themselves are hard to remember. OK I'm just ranting as usual :D
Glaceon as spammifier :D[11/11/2008 05:33:44]
I'd like to learn written Japanese.
In any case, it's spelled both faeces and feces. Feces is the American spelling, and faeces is the British spelling.[11/11/2008 03:20:48]
Um… Okay…
Was a bat,
That was made into a hat,
But the hat was itchy,
And made people ***chy,
Golbat was used like a pawn,
But now it's gone.
Golbat is my least favorite Pokemon, along with Tentacruel.
Actually, it is feces. I tested it on Mozilla.[11/11/2008 00:05:17]
I'm pretty sure that it's spelled faeces, actually.
And does anyone else here want to learn japanese? I wish I could, but I've nowhere to learn it. The only language we learn in school is french, and I'm not interested in that, at all.
Bayleef for the spammifier.
Down a road, Bayleef was walking,
When he heard a miltank talking.
"Ten dollars for a cow pie!
Don't worry, they won't make you die!"
Bayleef bought one, and to his suprise,
It blew up upon sunrise.
The pie flung poo everywhere,
Even into an Ursaring's hair!
Bayleef was never seen after that,
Some say Ursaring turned him into a hat.
Isn't my poetry great?[10/11/2008 23:28:40]
Butterfree, have you ever found any shinies?
[10/11/2008 21:19:18]
Some Guy
*cough* Sorry, got a bit carried away there. And based on the shiny colors for Machoke/champ, it's staying as a shiny Machop. (that brings the total shiny count up to… 3. Oh well, better than nothing)
Also, I would hate to be that guy's neighbor. It's pretty and all, but imagine trying to sleep with that on. Urgh.[10/11/2008 20:58:22]
Some Guy
*dances*[10/11/2008 20:51:43]
The forums seem okay to me!
Here's a link to Winter Wizard on YouTube:
Winter Wizard[10/11/2008 20:43:59]
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