Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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um… the disturbing dude, please stop spamming…
[08/11/2008 02:36:29]
Commenting on: 11-02-08Happy birthday, Butterfree's Pokemon Site! <3
[08/11/2008 00:20:02]
Isn't this how Munch started? First, he was just some immature spammer. Butterfree kept banning him, but he still came back. Eventually, he tried to convince usthat he wasn't going to spam. Then he spammed again.
Also the DD, you should have given up jokers about peoples feces a loooooong time ago.
Also, I have nothing against Tertwig-Base, but why would you rather go an inexperienced, simple website, instead of an experienced website with dedicated yet simple arcticles?
I think I speak for all of us when I say that we don't care whether or not it's your cousins spamming!
Congrats on getting your internet set up, Pikachu Goddess!
Wow, long post.[08/11/2008 00:09:20]
Pikachu Goddess
Nice try. You spelt my username wrong.
My internet's working! :DDD
… Ugh. I loathe spamming. It would be greatly appreciated if you stopped.[07/11/2008 23:15:29]
Grrr… Get the next person that spams, Ledyba!
[07/11/2008 20:21:43]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesThe disturbing dude, if you make one more spam message or one that mentions poop (and I don't care if it's your "cousins"), I will IP ban you. And yes, he and oops/rrr/www were the same person.
EvilPenguin, spamming the guestbook up more does not help.[07/11/2008 15:52:56]
Pikachu Goddess
See, that's the great thing about my username: people can see what gender I am at first glance. :D But, I am thinking of an alternate username where it isn't that easy to guess what my gender is.
I'm surprised you remember ShinyRiolu! … Actually, wasn't it just for chatspeak that we were quarreling over back then?
Speaking of past posters, I wonder where Shiny Noctowl is?[07/11/2008 14:22:52]
Master Tertwig
Website: Tertwig-BaseHello, Host Can We Affiliate?
[07/11/2008 12:48:45]
Great monologue, "the disturbing dude". You should go into the theatre. At least, your skills would be more welcome there.
Even if you are trying to stop oops/rrr/www spamming, there's no need to do it by repeatedly posting every two minutes. Even worse would be, as is my hunch, that you and the aforementioned spammers are the same person. If my assumption is wrong, please accept my apologies, but the times between the posts certainly seem to suggest that.
I think I'm right in saying that no one here likes spammers. Like the guidelines say, you should say something of worth that people would be interested in reading. So please stop. You're nothing but annoying.[07/11/2008 07:04:41]
It saddens me to know that there are people out there whose only source of amusement is to try to irritate people in a fucking pokemon guestbook. Hint: its not irritating, its just stupid. Go out and get a fucking life.
[07/11/2008 05:55:10]
Weres mikuruchan?
[07/11/2008 01:36:37]
Ill let you know im no spammer!
[07/11/2008 01:33:33]
See ya dragonfree ;)
[07/11/2008 01:31:30]
I think she means the guy who goes by oops/rrr. Unless YOU are the spammer! Otherwise I'll get spammifier Charmander to use Ember on you!
Hmm… There's been a couple of spammers on the guestbook since I first started posting. Hmm… Well, there was ShinyRiolu, the Munch, and a couple of minor others.[07/11/2008 00:20:56]
See ya dragonfree ;)
[06/11/2008 23:55:48]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
And your website is ausome dragonfree
[06/11/2008 23:53:03]
Im not a spammer and I clicked on the art thieves and it was rude wat they did to you dragonfree
[06/11/2008 23:51:08]
[06/11/2008 23:49:21]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesStop spamming the guestbook, random idiots. You should seriously have stopped finding poop jokes funny by the time you were eight.
[06/11/2008 23:37:45]
Congrats on getting a shiny spammifier, the DD!
My favorite move is Spacial Rend and Metronome!
My favorite Pokemon is Typhlosion and Tyranitar and Umbreon!
And my favorite legendary is Darkrai and Deoxys![06/11/2008 22:21:59]
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