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Who is hannah montanna o_0
[06/11/2008 22:01:41]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
I mean magnemite
[06/11/2008 21:49:59]
Did u know im doing all this on my phone ;) ["]–>lol its wezing (^<>^)^-^) plus my spammer is SHINY magnetite
[06/11/2008 21:48:42]
no, I dislike runescape ): sowwy…
[06/11/2008 21:46:49]
Do you play runescape its ausome but pokemon still pwns runescape ;)
[06/11/2008 21:45:46]
T~T I want it so bad! I hope I get it for my birthday!
[06/11/2008 21:45:00]
I love aerosmith and AC/DC made a new album x] x} ;)
[06/11/2008 21:44:06]
x3 Psycho Boost and Spacial Rend!
>:o Palkia pwns Dialga, but Deoxys pwns them both : )[06/11/2008 21:43:38]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
Wats ur fav pokemon move mines roar of time
[06/11/2008 21:41:30]
I know!! Right? I like Evanescence, Muse, Hawthorne Heights and Aerosmith :D there's tons more, but these 4 are my absolute favorites!
[06/11/2008 21:40:54]
Umm I like Pokemon mystery dungeon 2 explorers of time it rocks so hard!
[06/11/2008 21:40:00]
Yeah I love rock too wooo! I like coldplay and the white stripes best
[06/11/2008 21:37:36]
Neat ^-^ So, what kind of music do you like? I like rock, especially :D
[06/11/2008 21:33:30]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
My fav pokemon are pikachu pacharisu and lugia XD *dances in a funny way* weee!
[06/11/2008 21:33:14]
:O lucky! My spammifier was a tropius, another fave of mine :DDD grass types = pure win!
[06/11/2008 21:30:56]
My friend traded me ofer the internet and I got a lvl 100 typlosion and my spam pokemon was a shiny electrode!
[06/11/2008 21:29:05]
Hey-a, TDD :D nice to see you again! …Or should I say, good to see your typed-up text again xD
[06/11/2008 21:28:37]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
Im back mikurachan ^-^
[06/11/2008 21:26:18]
o-o I'm mikuruchan, but I changed my name to be more grammatically correct. :D guess what anime my name is from?
Pikachu Goddess, when I first saw your name I thought "Oh! She must like pikachu", so your response came as no surprise x3[06/11/2008 21:24:59]
Please speak in full sentences, and please don't talk like a five year old. Unless you're really five. Then please act more mature.
[06/11/2008 20:58:36]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC