Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Commenting on: 10-25-08…Woah, is Arceus really that hard to catch? :o
Nice tool, Butterfree![29/10/2008 07:16:01]
Why do you like Scyther?
[28/10/2008 00:11:24]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesEither the fact you can catch wild Scyther on Route 210 or the much faster scrolling through the bag. :P
Though I also like the ability to rebattle Gym leaders with high-level Pokémon, the higher-level Elite Four round, the high-level rival battles after the Elite Four, the sheer coolness of the Torn World (Giratina's messed-up realm of 3D floating platforms), the fact it contains a detective codenamed Handsome, all the new Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex, the roaming legendary birds after getting the National Pokédex, the move tutors, the general awesomeness of Giratina's Origin form, and the fact that Pokémon like Luxray and Palkia have actual decent-looking sprites.[27/10/2008 23:51:17]
What's your faaaaaaaaavorite part of Platinum?
[27/10/2008 22:12:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, Platinum is better than D/P in quite a few ways. Probably the most significantly improved third version yet.
[27/10/2008 21:02:59]
D&D with Gyarados, huh? So it'd be like…. Grottoes and Gyara….dices? Doses? Huh?
[27/10/2008 13:11:08]
Meh. I'll just get it when it actually comes out. Is it any good though, Butterfree? Better then the original D/P?
[27/10/2008 12:17:30]
Commenting on: 10-25-08Thanks.
[27/10/2008 06:25:05]
Silly Typhlosie, don't ask for ROMs… It's kinda illegal.
Instead use this website to find them. But, a partial fanslation I'd never heard of…
Personally, I got Platinum's ROM when it was leaked, but I never played it much. I would have if I had a flash card but… I don't have one.[27/10/2008 00:17:16]
Is there some way I could… um… *cough*… you know…. Get this
ROM from somewhere? And where?[26/10/2008 23:38:52]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesI haven't really started making it yet, sorry. Been busy with other things and struck with sudden interest in the mathematical inner workings of Pokémon.
[26/10/2008 23:35:17]
just want to see if the spoiler works (its not really a spoiler) test
when is the new sprite gen gonna be up??[26/10/2008 23:10:10]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBecause I was playing a half-translated ROM and picked it up. :P
Iceland is politically in Europe and geographically half in Europe and half in North America (it's just a part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the plate boundary between them, that happens to reach above sea level).[26/10/2008 21:25:25]
I just read the update to the in-game humor section, and I was wondering.
How did you know that theres a Pokedoll there?
Also, is Iceland in North America or Europe?[26/10/2008 18:40:31]
the guy with no username
Commenting on: 10-13-08EPIC. It deserves a sequel. Perhaps a parody of Dungeons & Dragons, involving Gyarados?
[26/10/2008 17:32:58]
Website: TPFThing are better again. Yay!
[26/10/2008 11:02:20]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh, yes. That's because the pages still existed and could be accessed by anyone who knew the URL. It's not as if I was trying to hide it. o_O I just didn't have it on the menu while it was unfinished.
[25/10/2008 20:00:25]
Um, Butterfree? I know this is a bit late, but I was reading the HTML guide ages before it came out. You left it on Google :-)
[25/10/2008 19:44:56]
Well I for one are very thankful, my computer's running out of disc space, and so I love the idea of a all-in-one Sprite Generator!
-I live in Luxray Village, where the motto is not yet figured out!
Spiritomb for the spammifier[25/10/2008 11:56:13]
The forums have just errored out again.
[24/10/2008 20:02:14]
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