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Pikachu Goddess
Please don't double post. It's kind of annoying. If anyone doesn't post after you do, just wait, please.
My favourite non-legendary is Pikachu, hence the name. XD My favourite legendaries, on the other hand, are Darkrai and Mewtwo.[06/11/2008 18:43:07]
This is an awesome website! I would totally make one of these!
[06/11/2008 04:24:14]
Website: Electric Pokemon
Commenting on: 11-02-08Quoting: "Site: Happy birthday to me!
I'm one hundred and three!
I'm still on the web….
And I want Butterfree!"
That made me crack up! XD[06/11/2008 04:20:14]
Hi! *craps in pikachu's mouth* I hade to poo
[06/11/2008 03:10:46]
Aaaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhhh anybody sucking out there!
[06/11/2008 03:00:44]
Anyone out `der
[06/11/2008 02:53:59]
I knew dat cause ima die hard poke`fan
[06/11/2008 02:48:16]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
in fire red there's a reference to "hit me with your best shot" and in rock tunnel a hiker says, "hit me with your best shot" and when you beat em he says,"fired away!" lol
[06/11/2008 02:43:23]
Mine is Pikachu and pacharisu
[06/11/2008 02:39:16]
me 'n' my cousin are helping each other x3.
i have LeafGreen, and she doesnt have either LG or FireRed xD. but she has emerald and i only have my left-in-the-rain sapphire….V.what's your favorite non-legendary? mine's torchic and pachirisu. :D[06/11/2008 00:50:24]
And my friend and I completed the national dex and we helped each other (^<>^-__-)<– lol its weezing! Lol
[06/11/2008 00:23:25]
Yeah deoxys is ausome XD XP and my lvl 100 lugia was transfered to pearl from emerald
[06/11/2008 00:19:43]
Yes I went on a trip to japan (by the way they take of there shoes before entering a building
[06/11/2008 00:10:41]
i want a deoxys SOOOO bad…. that knows psycho boost, of course. Deoxys is my fave legendary ^_^
[06/11/2008 00:09:34]
W00t I also have lvl 100 Lugia
[06/11/2008 00:07:37]
is it a LEGIT/ NOT SHARKED darkrai? help on M:TG first clue. no "teh answers dis" just point me in the right direction. I phail at these games…
[06/11/2008 00:06:45]
That's to bad mikurachan (by the way im runescape top dog)
[06/11/2008 00:04:37]
pokemon rocks!*eats whole cake* wooo!!!! and i have a lvl 100 Darkrai
[06/11/2008 00:00:27]
um….i traded my arceus….and as for palkia, palkia is pearl-colored. yes. pearl has a color. (i think)
[05/11/2008 23:53:35]
the disturbing dude (-_-)
Does anyone have arceus? Mine knows judgement XP lol
[05/11/2008 23:49:26]
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Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC