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Website: The Cave of Dragonflies(Oh, and Tangela is pretty awesome, by the way. I can't say I've used it a lot, but I think it's one of the more fun designs of the first generation.)
[16/11/2008 18:12:07]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesUh. What? I'm the person who regularly goes on tirades about how liking a particular Pokémon (or, actually, anything) is a matter of personal taste and that nobody has any right to tell another person what they can and can't like, and how thinking people shouldn't like a Pokémon because it has bad stats or a bad movepool is shallow. Not to mention that I'm considerably less inclined towards sarcasm than half of the people I know. :/ What in the world are you talking about?
For hell's sake, one of my favorite Pokémon is Butterfree. Do I really sound like the kind of person who would say nobody should like a Pokémon because it has bad stats?[16/11/2008 18:09:35]
Some Guy
Only when she's angry… I mean she's not particularly mean.
[16/11/2008 18:04:28]
I feel like it's just the kind of Butterfreeish thing Butterfree would say.
And isn't she always sarcastic? Or at least usually?[16/11/2008 17:29:34]
I rather like tangrowth and tangela. I'm not quite sure what tangela is supposed to be aside from a tangle of blueish vines, but I do know that tangrowth is really just supposed to be a larger tangela. Has anyone ever noticed that a LOT of the 'biggest' animal species have larger, extinct relatives? The ostrich is the biggest bird alive, but the elephant bird and the moa were bigger. The saltwater crocodile is the biggest crocodillian, but deinosuchus was about four times it's size. Komodo dragons are the biggest lizard, but then megalania was about three times their size (there's a lot more huge extinct animals, but I don't feel like listing them). See where I'm going? Tangrowth is based off giant extinct relatives. Of course, you probably already knew that.
Togepi for the spammifier.[16/11/2008 16:55:59]
Some Guy
Does Butterfree not like Tangela or something? o.0 And why would she be snotty?
I like all the new 4th Generation evolutions (Gallade, Magmortar, etc) except Licylicky. Urgh. It's a fat ball with a tongue, plus its name isn't very good. (This is all my opinion,by the way.}
Oh, and when I tried to access the GTS on my Pearl, it says "Unable to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection because the Connection User information from the Nintendo DS and Game Card do not match. Blah blah blah. When you update your Connection IInformation, you will lose all data that was used to connect." Does this mean the game file will be deleted? (I'm using a different DS, by the way)[16/11/2008 16:44:11]
Quote: Tangela and Tangrowth are awesome
finally, someone who agrees with me
But what would Butterfree say? Something sarcastic and probably snotty about their design (a vine tangle, some eyes, and red boots) and their stats, and their moves, and how no one in their right mind would like it?
And if she's seen that Cox commercial with the walking money (do they show that in Iceland?) then she'd probably make a crack about that vs. tangela.[16/11/2008 15:13:16]
Commenting on: 11-14-08Whoo-hoo! Morphic's updated! That makes me happy. ^.^
[16/11/2008 13:31:33]
The governer of Arizona said that all the state needs is, "Some good people and water."
You could say the same thing about hell.
I had to restart my Yellow. I had found a glitch that's somewhat like the Missingno glitch, where instead of going to the old man, you go to this lady in the Lavender tower. And then you do some stuff (it's been a long time since I did this glitch) and a battle randomly appears. A Missingno rolls halfway in, and then everything freezes. I did this about 10 times to perfect it, and now I've picked it up a couple months later, and my fifle was deleated.[16/11/2008 12:54:01]
Tangela and Tangrowth are awesome
[16/11/2008 05:43:54]
Pikachu Goddess
… That was so not random. O_o
I started a new file on Fire Red. Yay me.
Speaking of Celebi… I got it for the spammifier.[15/11/2008 23:33:28]
Luxray Village HQ
Commenting on: 11-14-08Yes, the most important thing to me is most definitly hte Sprite Genereator. I have caught the bug, and it's bad. The Spriting Bug, that is! IM CRAZY FOR SPRITING! BE CAREFUL, THERE"S A MANIAC ON THE LOOSE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
Sorry![15/11/2008 22:53:47]
Commenting on: 11-14-08And a crossword? Please. I miss the crosswords :(
[15/11/2008 21:59:11]
On the babelfishion where you babelfished the 1000000 front page hits, it says "And it's on the front page opf the site"
Looks like a typo to me.
sorry, error reporting wouldn't work o_0[15/11/2008 21:42:31]
This troll reminds me of why i hate humanity.
[15/11/2008 20:36:09]
I'm bored. Really bored.
Someone say something interesting or funny.[15/11/2008 20:34:16]
Go Canadian TV shows! w00t!
[15/11/2008 20:17:07]
All i did was ask for a thing you retards! Now how hard is that?! then you accuse me of being a troll! -_- that burns, all i wanted to know is where the good sprites are because your other ones look like $HIT!
[15/11/2008 19:53:07]
this site is by far the best
pokemon site i've seen. i love it. i laughed hysterically while reading the babelfishing section.[15/11/2008 19:50:14]
No one seems to like Tangela 'cept me.
Shadows of Almia comes out this Friday? *thumps self on forehead* must have missed that. i prob can't get it for a while anyway.[15/11/2008 19:47:07]
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