Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNobody wants your silly hacks. Go away.
[19/12/2008 19:38:43]
ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am the second best pokemon trainer and on my game on wi-fi I am #2 ha in your
dateless faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!also i feel generus so I am ofering a shiney mew LV100 that knows nothing (so you can make it how ever you want)witch one of you will gat it[19/12/2008 18:53:18]
is there any body here that has the ultimate pokemon because i do my main party is:
Jolteneonlv100 shiney knows:Flare blitz,draco metor,frenzy plant,and volt tackle+garchomp lv 100:I forgot what it knows heh heh
shiney Lucario lv 100 knows:dark void,thunder,wish,and something else+a jirachi lv 100 that knows:draco metor,pioson jab,ice beam,and wish+a regigigas lv 100+a walrien lv 100 that knows flamethrougher and pioson jab. i also have a arcus lv 999 that knows nothing seriusly(i am such a cheater)[19/12/2008 18:45:39]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08It's a specific error in connecting to the database; the maximum connections number keeps resetting itself to 20, which is way too low at the busiest times, even though I keep setting it to something much higher. The database error appears and reappears depending on whether or not there are already 20 connections or not.
[19/12/2008 04:08:34]
Commenting on: 12-14-08Seems to have been fixed a while ago. Wonder what happened?
[19/12/2008 01:58:42]
5/10 for this impostor? No capitalization, no correct grammar, no MESSAGE, and no email? I say 2/10.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or so I hear.[18/12/2008 20:58:18]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08Again? v.v What the hell? I keep changing that maximum connections setting and it keeps randomly changing it back.
[18/12/2008 20:52:58]
Commenting on: 12-14-08Whats wrong with the forum? There seems to be a database error!
[18/12/2008 19:49:00]
At this rate, we could start playing a "Rate the Impostor" game…. I give this one a 5/10 for the lack of capital letters and general un-Butterfreeish message, but the correct website reference. Please, spammers, just don't bother.
I re-submitted my crossword entry this morning. I'd like to think I'm chasing a 3rd place, but I'm probably not - I'm only one person, after all![18/12/2008 17:49:19]
Hey, "Butterfree". You know no-one's going to fall for that, right?
[18/12/2008 15:39:58]
Website: the cave of dragonflieshiho!!
[18/12/2008 07:59:37]
and pokemon fossil stole thunderyu,polaryu,volcaryu,leta,letal and letaligon
[18/12/2008 07:53:47]
Website: I Hate TwilightThanks to the person who liked my site!
It's my way of blowing off steam at the 174983749375894759 teenage girls who think Twilight is amazing, Edward is totally hot, their love is pure and wonderful, and him watching her sleep is romantic. *headdesk* I need a good rant every once in a while.[17/12/2008 14:52:52]
annoying*.. And you might think i am too right? :)
Hoppip for that awesome spammifier.[17/12/2008 11:47:43]
I know im really annying these days, but i wanna know when the enxt crossword wll come out. I cant solve any 'cause im just 11 and i dont do much crosswords. i just like the word explanations.
Fwee! Minun! YAY YAY YAY!!![17/12/2008 11:45:56]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesDiamond and Pearl back sprites just do that; in Platinum, they actually have a second animation frame.
[17/12/2008 05:26:25]
Pikachu Goddess
Your Letaligon sprite is pretty good, Butterfree. Oh, and don't the D/P backsprites only have the sprite do odd stuff (like flash colours or move around) instead of actual animation?
Typhloise: The answer is 42. Hee hee, I watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. XD
Taite: "I Hate Twilight". It's always awesome to see people make things like this. Yeah, don't those Edward fangirls annoy the hell out of you? I do like Twilight, but not as much as that; sometimes I just want to scream "Shut the hell up!" at some girls who rave about Edward in every moment of their existence (but of course not to my two Twilight-loving friends! >_>;).
Writer's block. x_x[17/12/2008 02:41:40]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 12-14-08The problem isn't that I haven't made sprites of them that don't make me want to claw my eyes out, it's that I can't. Or rather, so far my attempts at them have not gone very well. As in, I've tried, but they always turn out bad and thus I don't want to put those on the fake Pokémon page.
[16/12/2008 18:15:10]
Commenting on: 12-14-08But isn't that reason enough to create sprites for them? To give Fangcat and Mutark artwork that doesn't want to make you claw your eyes out?
Anyway, have fun with the sprite generator. *downloads sprite packages*[16/12/2008 12:42:55]
Type these into Google, then press the "I'm Felling Lucky" button, and it'll take you to some funny pages!
1. google l33t
2. google gothic
3. ewmew fudd
4. xx-klingon
5. xx-piglatin
6. google easter egg
These nest ones are links, as they're not affiliated with google in any way:
1. elgoog
2. Google Loco
Also, type this EXACTLY on google then press the "Google Search" button:
the answer to life, the universe and everything[16/12/2008 12:07:04]
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