
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: www.suckmykiss/

Oops I meant hidden power NOT secret power I know what secret does.

[18/01/2009 05:01:29]


I got a page load error while accessing Lugia's Island, does it still opened or there's a problem with my internet connection?

[18/01/2009 04:22:12]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Uh. Make a part where you can make your own Pokémon? I'm not sure what you mean by that. I have a guide on creating fake Pokémon, if that's what you're wondering about; if you're thinking of something like the type tool except for Pokémon, that wouldn't quite have any point, since the point of creating types with the type tool is that then you can use the type tool as if that type really existed. I'm not sure what kind of a tool I could make that would be useful if you create a new Pokémon with it, and in any case the most interesting part of creating a fake Pokémon is the designing process, which I couldn't make any sort of a tool for anyway. o_O

[18/01/2009 01:25:08]

Website: Pokemon Rules

this site is awesome! Will you make a part where we can make our own pokemon? If so, when?

[17/01/2009 20:19:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I can't tell you when a chapter will be finished. I'll write it when I'm in the mood to write it. Right now my writing mood in general is extremely dead, but that comes back when it feels like it. Then there's the fact I'm focusing more on chapter 46 of The Quest for the Legends now. Could be a while.

[17/01/2009 18:47:44]

Website: lake of rage

Glameow type497: I have played and beaten the game. And i am in the proccess of righting a guide info and rating section of it for my website. And drapion is so easy. Just like regirock. But darkria is hard..

[17/01/2009 15:57:48]

Glameow type497

my fves are lucario,jirachi,walrien,syther. Anyway have any of you played the new pokemon ranger game yet it is pretty good i played through it and beat it it was pretty long game.spioler alert!!!!!!!(drapion is very hard to capture but Barlo cant even catch it what a whimp it took me 4 tries to catch it) if u you have any fan mail or hate mail (witch I get a lot of) leave a message on this chat room se ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[17/01/2009 07:14:54]


First, I'd like to say, I love your site Butterfree! Keep up the good work! Second, when are you coming out with chapter 10 of your fanfic Morphic?

[17/01/2009 07:01:38]


YES! New PMD coming out!

I love PMD :)

Salamence for spammifier~

[17/01/2009 01:31:38]


I haven't visted the PokeCommunity in over a year and its so sad on what its become. Popular sites like Nightmare Valley have closed and popular RPGs such as Starlights Delight, Divince Suicune, Dragonairs Den and Umbron GT are all but dead. :(

With that said however I'm very glad that TCoD is still running. *eagerly anticipates Chapeter 46*

[16/01/2009 06:57:58]

Website: lake of rage

evilpenguin: Who? And what is "WINNING TEH INTARWEBZ FYTEZ R SRS BIZNIZ"?

Every one that has watched my fight: I give up!

[15/01/2009 20:47:34]


This kid has just taken my "WINNING TEH INTARWEBZ FYTEZ R SRS BIZNIZ" joke to a new extreme *.* five bucks says he's gone within twelve hours

[15/01/2009 05:26:28]

Ging x

Sorry for double posting, somehow I couldn't bring myself to say Milky Ways is my favorite candy…ya It's actually Snickers.

[15/01/2009 01:47:02]

Ging x

Lakeofrage, give up. No one likes your site, you have terrible grammar, and if somehow you were 40, you definitely do not act your age. I have to ask you one thing though, what’s the point in continuing this long ramble of nothing! You are gaining nothing from this fight, so I ask you to just stop and think a little bit about what you’re doing and if it’s worth it.

By the way, I’m obsessed with Milky Ways.

[15/01/2009 01:43:25]

Website: lake of rage

My brother had me see the ip addresses. That is all i know i think he just found the ip addresses of the individual people but still. And the impersonator could be anyone in my house. We all are on a sub-network thing. That shares one big ip address. So it could be anyone in the house that has seen me on the computer.

[15/01/2009 00:51:02]


I just checked Serebii, and there's a new Mystery Dungeon game coming out!

[14/01/2009 20:19:10]


Whoa. Butterfree's mad, lakeofrage. You better stop trying to convince us you can do impossible things.

[14/01/2009 20:16:06]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

For the last time, your brother cannot just magically "make it" so that you can see the IP addresses! How in the world do you think your browser is supposed to know that this random bit of HTML is even a post submitted by somebody as opposed to some random crap I wrote?

[14/01/2009 18:38:58]

Website: lake of rage

ok Gacatail. And butterfree my brother just made it so i could see the ip addresses. And i'm using his computer. well laptop. That is why i have not posted.

[14/01/2009 18:13:25]


lakeofrage- Your spelling depresses me. Disregarded is not hyphenated, "theiry"=theory, "petifile"=pedophile, "malest"=molest, and "musketiers"=musketeers. And no offense, but I don't think those people were talking to you, considering this is the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook, not yours.

[14/01/2009 01:14:06]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC