Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: I Hate Twilight@lakeofrage: Wow, couldn't have guessed THAT. Your sarcasm is so subtle, it confounds us all. Wow.
On an unrelated note, I'm tired, bored, and hungry, but too lazy to get food.[31/01/2009 13:50:29]
Website: lake of rageI have not posted or been on the interwebs for a while, I have been sick. I had the flu. And I know I said interwebs and not internet. It is being sarcastic.
[30/01/2009 23:10:07]
El Garbanzo
Commenting on: 01-28-09The In-Game Humor page has a small mistake…
Near the end of the G/S/C section, it says that Missingno's type is Bird/Water… but it's actually Bird/Normal.
It does learn Water Gun (twice!), but it isn't an actual Water-type.[30/01/2009 22:40:46]
Evoli, you can say anything you want on the guestbook! That's the joy of it!
(Except double posting, inappropriate language, mindless ranting, or being purely mean.)
Hmmm… Gorebyss. How can I make a poem for that?
Had to take a… This isn't working out.[30/01/2009 12:46:01]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 01-01-09@_@ Again with this? The one from Caterpie's Corner is called Shady with no e and is completely unrelated, and "Shadey" is just my nickname for my boyfriend who actually goes by "Shade" or "Aziraphail" those few times I drag him online.
[30/01/2009 11:58:45]
Commenting on: 01-01-09Is your boyfriend the same Shadey as the one at Caterpie's Corner?
[30/01/2009 05:11:51]
No, music will not play while a laptop is in sleep-mode. But if you change the settings, by clicking the little battery icon in the bottom right of the screen, you can set it so the computer will not go into sleep mode when you close it, so it will continue playing music.
But that's not what you want, is it NotPokemon?
Well, I haven't posted in a while, have I?
Mainly because I haven't had much interesting to say.
Swinub for the spammifier.
Swinub was a fuzzy pig,
That lived in that icy cave.
The jynx made it want to dance a jig,
And the sneasel's violence made it want to rant and rave.[30/01/2009 02:29:02]
Is there a way to listen to music while a laptop while it is in sleep? I don't want the computer to be on just in sleep mode.
[30/01/2009 01:38:18]
Emerald Espeon
Woah, for a second I thought you meant all 500 pages or something of the guestbook back from a long, long time ago…but then I remembered a lot of it got deleted :P
I just realized I've been posting here for over a year =O But I don't remember when I actually started talking on the guestbook…I just remember us giving out Christmas awards in 2007.[30/01/2009 00:09:23]
I just read through the whole entire guestbook. Ouch, my eyes hurt. Hm.. last summer, that weird quasi-RP and all..
good times, good times. I was a noob back then. Why am I saying this, and in the guestbook? No idea.[29/01/2009 22:37:07]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 01-27-09Yay! There's going to be a new crossword! *is excited*
[29/01/2009 04:56:03]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…oops, I set the wrong date on that update, resulting in Pidgeot's comment appearing as yesterday.
It's now fixed for all time.[29/01/2009 00:50:02]
Commenting on: 01-27-09I pop in, an update. I pop out. I pop back in again, whee, another update. So will this fix the guestbook for all years, or will you have to point out 20** is a valid year each time we have a new year?
[29/01/2009 00:44:59]
Emerald Espeon
…That was supposed to be a comment on the update…that's weird.
Anyways, I haven't posted here in forever…so yeah, nice to see you again guys :D[28/01/2009 22:03:53]
Emerald Espeon
Yay, a crossword :D
[28/01/2009 22:02:16]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesBroken? Hmm, testing.
[28/01/2009 21:30:08]
Wow, Butterfree, here's me thinking you were ill again…It's good to know you're still committed to the website.
It'd be great if you can do the crossword! I've been checking the front page for that thing almost every day for seven months. (Well, not just for the crossword, but I am interested in it.)
Hi Riki…I know your feeling, yesterday I had to sit through a two-and-a-half hour Literature mock. Over today, tomorrow and Friday, I have eight more mocks. @_@
Has anyone else found that the update commenting seems to be broken?[28/01/2009 20:40:16]
If I design a website, what web host should I use? I can't afford to pay any money to put it up.
[28/01/2009 19:22:27]
So many webmasters just stop posting on their sites without saying anything, like The Valley of Nightmares. I remembered how it also got hacked before it was taken down. And with Pokechow, the last update was on January 31st; almost one year today.
[28/01/2009 02:13:28]
Website: Click hereI love your site! :)
[27/01/2009 20:24:35]
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