
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Website: lake of rage

I wish they would make a johto remake. Then I would get that. I am very mad. I can't find my diamond. I have a red gyarados on it.

[11/02/2009 19:25:26]


Heh, the Johto starters are on the twelfth movie poster. I'd love it so much if they were plugging Gold/Silver remakes. Then again, when I jump to conclusions, I'm usually wrong. =[ We shall see.

[11/02/2009 18:02:10]

Commenting on: 02-04-09

Sections That Suck FTW!

And I wanna learn Japanese.

And the design modifications sound great.

And the fandom guide sounds great too.



[10/02/2009 16:41:50]

Commenting on: 02-04-09

Yay for new polls! PLEASE try to get the crossword done soon, I did the last one and the clue game, and now I'm bored without rediculously evil questions.

[09/02/2009 22:23:16]


"I got a cute little Tancat for having way too much time on my hands :D


T_T I have so many assignments to work on, yet I spend my time reading all of your old one-shots and finding easter eggs like that one ^…

[09/02/2009 03:15:01]


EvilPenguin is sick; he wants the poems to cease now; they give him headaches.

[09/02/2009 02:53:36]

Pikachu Goddess

Whee, my band went to Edmonton for a band trip! ^^ We went to the West Edmonton Mall, and there was a really big Chapters there. I bought a few Bleach comics. :D There was also some Pokémon manga, but I ran out of money around then, which also prevented me from buying a nice silver Bleach bag and a Legend of Zelda shirt… But still, it was fun!

And my room mate wasn't all too great. She left a pizza box on my bed and watched cartoons on the hotel TV. >_<

So there. I'm happy. :D

[09/02/2009 01:38:24]


Torkoal's on fire!

Put him out before he's a no-buyer!

Oh, that's his type.

He's alright.

Phew, he's not gonna die

so he won't have to lie.

He's shiny

but not whiney.

Uh… writers block… sorry everone. *everyone cheers*

[07/02/2009 03:16:41]



I drink cokes!

It does too

I mean, look at that p-

Ooooh… nevermindbye!

[07/02/2009 03:11:31]



oh no!

He's a liar

you could set him on fire

he won't burn

you may have learned

he's a rock type.

He likes to hide

he pretends to be a tree

so you can't go "Oh fwee!"

he blocks your way

to go play

in pokemon Emerald game.

He's always in the way.


[07/02/2009 03:08:31]


hey would you make a metagross style for your site??

It's my fav pokemon!!

[06/02/2009 20:56:24]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 02-04-09

It's not so much about learning Japanese as it is about learning some basic principles that commonly confuse Pokémon fans. The inspiration comes from the number of times people have asked me why some sites claim Latias's Japanese name is "Latias" and others claim it's "Ratiasu".

[06/02/2009 11:52:23]


I'm ba-ack! *everyone groans* Well, let's see…


Should wear a cape

it looks so nice

even on mice

maybe it should

wear a big green hood

or maybe a mask

or is that too much a task?

He should sport

a nice pair of shorts

I know it would look strange,

but it's better than mange.

His teeth should be cleaned

at least until they gleam

They look gross,

he should check for louse.

This is getting icky,

but i'm not that picky


[06/02/2009 07:50:49]


I got a shiny! Yay! ^_^


made a big explosion

it blew everyone up

including it's luck

How did it do that?

did it stomp on a mat?

its too dark to tell

Maybe it fell?

We don't know for sure,

maybe it burped?

Fin or The End

[06/02/2009 06:30:09]



Chinchou's neat

it hardly has feet

can't you see

they're shaped like beans?

and what about it's eyes

boy, they look like he died

Maybe he should find

a better pace to hide?


Boy, that doesn't make sense, but i'll post it anyway ^__^

[06/02/2009 06:23:28]


Okay, I'll tryagain on the poetry… Seel. That's easy! Okay, here goes…


Hungry for a meal

Wish he could have

a really great bath

as you can tell

he doesn't even have a shell

he's homeless

but not love-less

this is getting kinda mush

he'll probably go in a…

Ok, it stops here.

[06/02/2009 06:19:18]

Zeta Reticuli
Commenting on: 02-04-09

Oh, wow! These "potential sections" all sound great! Well, maybe except for the one about learning Japanese, but still.

[06/02/2009 05:55:23]
Website: Leafeon's cave of Grass

Heya!Cool site!Want to affie?Message me at my site!

[06/02/2009 02:18:42]


Hey, does anyone have a suggestion or two for a free web host? Thank you! Ok, poems…Abomasnow!? I won't even start.

[06/02/2009 00:04:38]


Is it a bad sign that the first thing I think of when I see "Mafia" is Ayasaki Hayate being sold to the yazuka to pay off his parents' gambling debts? …. Nevermind.

[05/02/2009 14:25:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC