
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Emerald Espeon

…That was supposed to be a comment on the update…that's weird.

Anyways, I haven't posted here in forever…so yeah, nice to see you again guys :D

[28/01/2009 22:03:53]

Emerald Espeon

Yay, a crossword :D

[28/01/2009 22:02:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Broken? Hmm, testing.

[28/01/2009 21:30:08]


Wow, Butterfree, here's me thinking you were ill again…It's good to know you're still committed to the website.

It'd be great if you can do the crossword! I've been checking the front page for that thing almost every day for seven months. (Well, not just for the crossword, but I am interested in it.)

Hi Riki…I know your feeling, yesterday I had to sit through a two-and-a-half hour Literature mock. Over today, tomorrow and Friday, I have eight more mocks. @_@

Has anyone else found that the update commenting seems to be broken?

[28/01/2009 20:40:16]


If I design a website, what web host should I use? I can't afford to pay any money to put it up.

[28/01/2009 19:22:27]


So many webmasters just stop posting on their sites without saying anything, like The Valley of Nightmares. I remembered how it also got hacked before it was taken down. And with Pokechow, the last update was on January 31st; almost one year today.

[28/01/2009 02:13:28]

Website: Click here

I love your site! :)

[27/01/2009 20:24:35]


Hey guyz, I've got GCSE's in bout 4 months… UGH!

[27/01/2009 18:57:58]


oh Ive just been having artists block lately but using different languages sounds like a good idea thanks. (yet again, another pokemon that starts with S (silcoon) )

[27/01/2009 01:35:17]


Nobody can decide what to name your design; only you can. I use names from different languages in mine, however. For instance, I might name it Zattrico, which is a combination of zap, and the Italian word for electric, electtrico. Or, I might name it Eleckring, which is a combination of electric, and the dutch word for circuit, kring. I find the translations on Babelfish.

[27/01/2009 00:02:00]

Website: Tomatowolf's Territory

Hello, Butterfree! I love your site. I found it a couple of months ago and haven't seen the Guestbook til now. xD That's how observant I am.

Anywho- I really admire the hard work and dedication you put into this site. Very nice!

[26/01/2009 18:50:41]


for anyone who reads this:

I make fake pokemon and I am rather stumped on what to name one of them; what Ive got is a round floating electric type pokemon that looks like one of those things that you touch and the electricity goes where your finger goes. its yellow and transparent with an angry head in the middle of the orb and has electricity swirling around the outside. it uses lighting bolts as arms and is the third evolution in a set. its previous forms are named Shortap and Numbshock but I am confuzzled on what to name the third form. if anyone has any suggestions? (starly! what a coincidence)

[26/01/2009 00:37:02]


It's Dragonfree on most other forums, but it's Butterfree on TCoD.

[25/01/2009 22:10:50]


Or is it Butterfree?

[25/01/2009 21:51:09]


Wow, I love your sprites, Dragonfree!

[25/01/2009 21:50:14]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

I have no idea; I don't use either of them. :/

[25/01/2009 19:27:08]

antivirus searcher

which is a better antivirus program

AVG or Avast

or is there a better one than that

what would you recommend butterfree

[25/01/2009 05:23:02]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

:/ I'm kind of hopeless at scratch sprites most of the time, and I'm especially no good at felines. I mean, I might if I happened to get around to it, but I have other fake Pokémon I'd rather be spriting if I actually did feel up to it.

[24/01/2009 21:38:24]


yeah I read that and I would like to see what they would look like too. (swampert :o)

[24/01/2009 20:59:42]

Website: EonRiders

Would you ever make sprites of the Pokemon on your 'How to make fake Pokemon page'? I'm interested on what the Malkee family would look like.

[24/01/2009 19:28:13]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC