Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Some Guy
[08/03/2009 01:07:38]
Mew: ruler of the world
Hi, everybody! *chuckles*
flygon for the spamifier![07/03/2009 16:56:23]
Click here to feed me!
Get your own at Pokeplushies![07/03/2009 15:34:13]
Mew: ruler of the world
The registration problems are at the quest for the legends register page.
[07/03/2009 04:00:52]
Website: Musical NoirWow… I barely ever check the guestbook. I wasn't aware it was so popular. o.o;
Hey everybody![07/03/2009 03:17:48]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesMew: Registration where?
[07/03/2009 02:04:51]
Mew: ruler of the world
P.S. thanks typhloise!!
[06/03/2009 22:24:06]
Mew: ruler of the world
There's something wrong with the registration… it doesn't let me get an account and always says "that username is already taken"
[06/03/2009 22:22:42]
NOOOOOOO!!! I loved Art Thieves, Do Not Click Here! However, I completely understand why you would take it down.
How about Myuu? It's the Jpanese name for Mew. Or how about Myhre, which is a cross between the Japanese name for Mew, and the German word for ruler?[06/03/2009 20:20:59]
Mew: ruler of the world
I have Japenese Platinum!
[06/03/2009 19:19:03]
Mew: ruler of the world
It's not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *tries to cry* i can't think of anything! all the names of my fake pokemon are taken!!!!!!
[06/03/2009 19:00:49]
*job, with a comma, and
*stuck[06/03/2009 14:45:56]
Great job. Butterfree! As soon as I read the updated Sections that Suck, some guy came, stick a gun to my head and forced me to recite the alphabet! And then he shot me.
[06/03/2009 14:45:14]
Mew: ruler of the world
PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! i need suggestions! please? anyone? D:
[06/03/2009 05:53:54]
Website: Scyther's Meadow
Commenting on: 02-28-09Yep. Refreshomania. None of us would ever do that. Why would you even think that? *Deletes all history*
[06/03/2009 00:46:15]
then what's the point of a counter; it should be called a "how many people refreshed counter"
there is no point to the counter if people are just refreshing!![04/03/2009 22:01:38]
Spiritomb's Nightmare
Website: Spiritomb's Haunted House
Commenting on: 02-28-09But we want to see the splash! ;_;
[04/03/2009 15:19:22]
(I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place…)
After taking the personality test again (I lost tack of how many times I've done it now), I decided to check out the site. I'm glad I did! Great job on everything. You've got a great site, and I really enjoyed reading your articles (or sections, or whatever… it's late and I can't think). You seem like a cool person, too. I'll link my friends to this site. Hopefully they'll like it as much as I do.[04/03/2009 05:47:30]
Sorry "skew the counter" not "bias the counter"
[04/03/2009 01:36:56]
Butterfree, if you don't want to "bias the counter" don't tell anyone about the new splashes. Just say after the counter has reached the hits. It would also be better as a surprise. Just a suggestion.
[04/03/2009 01:34:42]
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