
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


So Butterfree's nineteen today then, eh?

Birthday Poem:

Nineteen years since you were born!

I made you a cake of candy corn!

But it grew legs and jumped into the fire!

Of writing poetry, I never tire!

So why don't I make another cake?

I can't, 'cause all my cookbooks now reside in a lake!

I don't know how the heck they got there.

And I don't really all that much care.

Only, now I can't make a cake.

But at least I still have a rake!

And a stake.

And some onions and a cross!

Or was it garlic and a lump of moss?

Oh, I'm at a loss!

What keeps the vampires away?

Maybe it was hay…

No, a rabbit's foot!

Actually, I'm pretty sure it was purple soot.

Whatever that is.

Something to do with orange bread…

Or a werecow's head!

This poem has nothing to do with birthdays.

Or bluejays.

Or bagon's rock-hard skull.

My poetry skills seem to have gone quite null.

For this poem's not as good as it could have been.

Grumpig's are not lean.

I ate a pie.

Which made duskull die.

How is that relevant?

Charmander's an elephant!

But we all know that.

Like how turtwig's a bat.

It isn't true.

Like a plastic kazoo.

Did I spell that right?

I hope I don't cause a fight.

Late at night.

But midday's fine,

As long as I get to dine,

On some candycorn cake.

To which the instructions to make,

Are in a lake.

This poem isn't much of a birthday poem, is it?

Where is my other mitt?!

Well, that wasn't called for.

What would I need a mitten for?

It's the middle of the coldest season!

Is it legal to speak treason?

No, not at all,

If one happens to be in a shopping mall.

Or in the king's dining hall.

But then, that's obvious.

What rhymes with obvious?

I don't know,

But I hate the taste of snow.

Bagon for the spammifier.

[19/02/2009 01:02:57]


they'll pay.

[19/02/2009 00:55:22]


Holy cr*p!

I just found the most offensive site I have ever seen. If you love Pokemon, go here and DEFEND THEM!

what jerks….

[19/02/2009 00:53:55]

Website: Lugia's Moonlit Cove

This is my favorite site EVAR! Dragonfree, you are awesome at HTML. I wish my site could be as cool as yours.

[19/02/2009 00:50:07]

Pikachu Goddess

Hi. I'm not dead.

Happy birthday, Butterfree.

[18/02/2009 22:57:15]


Happy birthday, Butterfree! I just checked out the "About Me" section, and I remembered it was your birthday! Yay! Here's a virtual cake!

[18/02/2009 22:41:49]

Shadow Eevee
Website: Eevee's Mansion

Awesome website. Happy birthday!

[18/02/2009 20:04:38]

Shadow Eevee
Website: Eevee's Mansion

Awesome website. Happy birthday!

[18/02/2009 19:58:21]

Some Guy

Is anyone getting the DSi? I'm certainly not- it ruins the connectivity between DS and GBA games. Plus I like having two games in one thing, and a bunch of my favorite games are for GBA.

[18/02/2009 19:54:04]


why make poems??

its pretty lame!

[18/02/2009 17:21:03]


Hey, Butterfree. How did you code your Marquee of Doom?

[18/02/2009 07:13:13]



Often showed

A large load

Of what he knowed

That was obviously terrible grammar

So I will smash Politoed with a hammer

And try to justify it, but stammer

And get sent away to the slammer

[18/02/2009 01:06:38]


No one likes my poetry? :(

But I think that Typhloise's poetry is better than Lucario's, and mine is better than Typhloise's.

But that's just my oppinion.

Dodrio for the spammifier.

Dodrio's middle head,

Isn't made of lead.

But Dodrio's tail is kinda red.

And dodrio doesn't have any wings,

But out of its heads grow these things.

What are they? I don't know.

I hate the taste of snow.

[17/02/2009 23:58:06]

Some Guy

*Hated when THE poetry

[17/02/2009 21:50:22]

Some Guy

Poster Aqualta

Hated when poetry

Took up all the space

[17/02/2009 21:49:32]


Uh…that would make a LOT less poetry, trust me. I don't mind it, but I do when it takes up every post.

[17/02/2009 08:11:52]


w00t! Shiny gallade! Here's a suggestion: how about we don't make poems off of the spammifier pokemon unless they're shiny? What does everyone think? Oh, this means i'm going to write a gallade poem:


they're all the same.

They have these blade things,

but that doesn't mean they're kings.

This poem stinks,

I'm running out of computer ink

what does this mean?

I dunno, maybe it's lean?

I'm gonna stop if I can,

but will it mess up my plan?

To take over the world

then i'll make it curl.

This is pointless

but will it be a mess?

[17/02/2009 00:59:19]


No… I think mine's worse, but I tend to be really hard on my own work. Actually, Typhloise's poems are kinda good! But i'm crazy too. I WILL STAB YOU WITHA SPOON! Yes, i've been reading WAY too much Fun in Cyberspace.

[17/02/2009 00:50:50]


Yes, I've read much, MUCH worse poetry than Lucario's… Like…like… LIKE MINE!

[17/02/2009 00:47:22]


Well, I must admit, mine ARE better. But I've read worse stuff than Lucario's poems.

Much, much worse.

[16/02/2009 23:18:25]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC