Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Mew: ruler of the world
Commenting on: 02-28-09Meep, Meep, happy birthday! Mew rules! and so do you!
[01/03/2009 06:53:24]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 02-28-09Darn, I was going to refreshomania.
Wait, so are you going to use that picture you posted on your Math Doodles at the TCoD forums for the splash?[01/03/2009 05:04:47]
I'm a Tyranitar, which is also my favorite Pokemon!
[28/02/2009 21:55:18]
Pikachu Goddess
I'm Mewtwo, and I have to say, it matches me perfectly.
Do you think I should change my screen name? I think the one I'm currently using sounds a bit… odd, according to my taste. Of course I would still use Pikachu Goddess elsewhere, but just for the guestbook and the forums. But still, should I?[28/02/2009 21:09:24]
i took your what pokemon am i test
i am butterfree!!!! j[27/02/2009 22:58:16]
Boy, was that a request or what? Lol!
[27/02/2009 15:43:47]
Butterfree, I had a dream that you announced a new feature to your site that was just like Serebii's Animedex thing, only you made it because Serebii's was full of errors and you were mad that it didn't include Pokemon Snap. Just wanted to share.
[27/02/2009 00:47:20]
Butterfree: Lucario… sick… too much… technical stuff…
[25/02/2009 17:10:03]
Commenting on: 02-18-09Happy late Birthday! I like the Sections that Suck, gives me an idea of what not to include on my new website (not that I'd do something like the HTML guide, I'm planning to include one, but when I'm better at it, right now I'm not that good)
[25/02/2009 02:29:11]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies(Or, if that's not clear: the Pokémon listed under "Morning" are the actual Pokémon that appear on the route. Then you check the other columns - for instance, it might be day, and you might have FireRed in your GBA slot - and if there is a Pokémon in any slot for a condition that is true, it replaces the default "Morning" Pokémon in that slot. That's how multiple conditions can take place simultaneously - they replace different slots of the default.)
[25/02/2009 01:14:43]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSpecifically this part:
"There is one possible Pokémon and level in each rarity slot for Morning, which is the default method. For all the other methods (day, night, PokéRadar, swarming, and each of the GBA Pokémon games), a number of rarity slots is reserved for possibly being changed when that condition is met. This is organized such that it will never overlap; the GBA games change slots nine and ten, for instance, while slots three and four are modified when it is day or night. Basically, for all the method conditions that are true for you - the time of day, whether you're using the PokéRadar, whether there's a Pokémon swarming at the moment, whether and which GBA Pokémon game you have in your GBA slot - a couple of slots are changed from the default morning. The tables in this section reflect this by not listing any methods that do not modify any Pokémon slots in the location and showing all unmodified slots as -. This naturally does not mean there is no Pokémon in this slot at all when using this method; it just means that either the slot is modified by something else or it is the default Morning Pokémon."[25/02/2009 01:10:32]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYou really should read the "How to read this section" bit at the very top of that section before attempting to understand it. :/
[25/02/2009 01:08:25]
I was looking at the D/P locations, and it said that on certain routes, only one Pokemon would appear at night or at day. However, it's not the only Pokemon to appear at that time! Is this because the Pokemon that appear in the day also appear in the morning and at night?
I'm very confused.[25/02/2009 00:05:32]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesGoroliath, I can easily tell that that was you, and it was probably the lamest attempt at impersonating me I have ever seen. Just don't bother.
And I really don't have any need for an "Emerald sprite" for Leta. The D/P-style sprites are the official sprites of the line now, and if I wanted animation frames for the R/S sprites, I'd have made them before.
A Pokéradar chain is when you use the Pokéradar, walk into one of the patches that move, beat (or catch) the Pokémon that appears, and then move to one of the patches that shake immediately after the battle ends. If the patch that shakes is the same Pokémon, some patches will shake again after that battle, and so on until the chain is broken. The chain refers to the number of the same Pokémon you've battled in a row using this method.
(You need to use Repels when chaining, by the way, as having a random encounter in an ordinary patch of grass will automatically break the chain.)[24/02/2009 21:59:02]
*laughs at pitiful spammer who can't even think of an actually upsetting remark*
Last night, I would walk into the grass multiple times, each time using the Pokeradar. I did it 151 times. Am I doing something wrong?
What's a Pokeradar chain?[24/02/2009 20:14:53]
Hey!Could i make Leta an Em-
erald sprite?[24/02/2009 11:43:20]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYes, if you have a PokéRadar chain, you become more likely to find a shiny, maximizing at a forty-Pokémon chain.
[24/02/2009 09:51:06]
Typhloise: I think it has something to do with the Poke Radar or something. Pidgeot: I have IE and nothing's ever happened. Weird…
[24/02/2009 03:00:10]
Yeah, it was my cache. I had it set to NEVER check for newer versions of stored pages.
[23/02/2009 19:02:54]
On again, off again. This is why I try to stay away from IE.
[23/02/2009 18:59:58]
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