
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Mr. Meep
Commenting on: 03-28-09

It would appear that you don't liek Mudkipz. =P

…Seriously, though, that review pretty much summed up all my thoughts on the game. Thanks for a good read!

[01/04/2009 22:19:01]

Spiritomb's Nightmare
Website: Spiritomb's Haunted House

Yay! We're one step closer to finding out how it works!

(36 results!?)

[01/04/2009 18:38:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

In alphabetical order:

Absol, Alakazam, Banette, Butterfree, Charizard, Cubone, Dragonite, Gardevoir, Haunter, Houndoom, Lapras, Magikarp, Mew, Mewtwo, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Natu, Ninetales, Pachirisu, Pikachu, Poochyena, Porygon, Primeape, Ralts, Scyther, Shellder, Slaking, Slowking, Slowpoke, Snorlax, Spinda, Teddiursa, Togetic, Tyranitar, Tyrogue, Weavile.

[01/04/2009 18:33:46]


:D Thank you Butterfree!

[01/04/2009 16:23:52]


On Platinum, Bidoof's pokedex entry mentions Rattata, even though Rattata doesn't exist in Sinnoh at that time.

[01/04/2009 01:39:04]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

:P It wouldn't exactly bother me, but fine; I'll give you the list when I'm home. I can't exactly recite it from memory.

[31/03/2009 19:13:34]


Hey, Butterfree, could you maybe make me a list with all the possible Pokémon in the "What Pokémon are you?"


If not, i'll answer "You suck." in every of your future Random Polls!

Please don't read the spoiler.

[31/03/2009 18:05:02]


I know! I just wanted to throw my DS into a wall 'cause I fainted so much!

Me no like that fact! Ooh, I just got wigglytuff for the spamifier!


[29/03/2009 23:10:36]

Commenting on: 03-28-09

My least fav part about Time was the fact of moves such as supersonic, which was worse than sleep, multiple hit moves like fury swipe, and the gummies. Oh, I despised the gummies. The amount of gummies it took to get my Blastoise to I.Q.5 in Blue got my Charmander in Darkness to I.Q. 1.5.

[29/03/2009 11:50:50]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Only if you have something of worth to say about the older games.

[28/03/2009 23:50:49]

Website: Poliwager

Does anyone think I should add sections on my site for older games? Like RBY? ^_^

[28/03/2009 23:11:57]


I Am Currently Veiwing the marquee of Doom.

[28/03/2009 22:01:41]


Just wanted to let you know – love the site, kupo~! I come here every day, to read random stuff.

[28/03/2009 11:41:49]

Mow Rotom

This… site… is… AWSOME!… =)… XD…

[27/03/2009 23:33:04]


Nce web site, it's awesome!

[27/03/2009 20:06:59]


So, anyone going to the Shaymin event in the UK?

[27/03/2009 06:53:55]


hey everybody! *laughs at longness of former screenname* Mew: Ruler of the World/Mew: ruler of the world is no more!


[26/03/2009 16:31:34]

Mew: ruler of the world


Sorry about the name variations, though. My screenname will be Mew from now on starting…. NOW!!!

[26/03/2009 16:28:12]

Mew: Ruler of the World

I have learned everything I know about pokemon from this website, Veekun, and serebii, minus this website




[26/03/2009 16:24:58]

Pikachu Goddess

… Your cruel laugh is like daggers to my heart. ;_; … XD

But anyways, I don't really understand what's going on with this "Missy" being missing, so I guess it isn't much of a spoiler, then.

Yeah, I would have Platinum right now if I had money. But sadly, all that I have left would only be enough to buy two Bleach comics. … And that's what I'm intending to do. :3

[26/03/2009 13:17:51]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC