
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I Am Currently Veiwing the marquee of Doom.

[28/03/2009 22:01:41]


Just wanted to let you know – love the site, kupo~! I come here every day, to read random stuff.

[28/03/2009 11:41:49]

Mow Rotom

This… site… is… AWSOME!… =)… XD…

[27/03/2009 23:33:04]


Nce web site, it's awesome!

[27/03/2009 20:06:59]


So, anyone going to the Shaymin event in the UK?

[27/03/2009 06:53:55]


hey everybody! *laughs at longness of former screenname* Mew: Ruler of the World/Mew: ruler of the world is no more!


[26/03/2009 16:31:34]

Mew: ruler of the world


Sorry about the name variations, though. My screenname will be Mew from now on starting…. NOW!!!

[26/03/2009 16:28:12]

Mew: Ruler of the World

I have learned everything I know about pokemon from this website, Veekun, and serebii, minus this website




[26/03/2009 16:24:58]

Pikachu Goddess

… Your cruel laugh is like daggers to my heart. ;_; … XD

But anyways, I don't really understand what's going on with this "Missy" being missing, so I guess it isn't much of a spoiler, then.

Yeah, I would have Platinum right now if I had money. But sadly, all that I have left would only be enough to buy two Bleach comics. … And that's what I'm intending to do. :3

[26/03/2009 13:17:51]


Boo lack of edit button. :( Don't read my post below unless you know platinum stuff, but i don't think most of you would care so w/e

[26/03/2009 00:57:28]


*laughs at all the platinumless people who live in places where they could get it*

[spoilers]I'm at Solaceon right now, because Fantina's Mismagius is evil and I couldn't beat them until I got lucky with Missy missing (pun unintended)

[26/03/2009 00:56:08]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

And the answer to that would be very close to the one in the FAQ for the Sonic section. You know, "Uh, I've never bought a Pokémon card in my life, I once found a Jigglypuff card and somebody gave me a Fossil deck at one point, and I read through the rules booklet, but that's it." If you meant the TCG video game, I've never played that either. I'm not making sections about anything about which I have absolutely nothing to say.

[25/03/2009 20:55:18]

Website: The Rayviper Forest

Hi! I'd just like to say, I know you don't appreciate fans requesting sections, but I think you should add one for Pokémon TCG. It's very old, but is also a classic!

[25/03/2009 20:39:00]


Always! My Battle Tower team in Pearl is Staraptor (Speed+Atk), a Lucario (Diverse Move Set), and Typhlosion (Sp. Atk+Sp. Def).

[25/03/2009 19:18:15]

Mew: ruler of the world

Bwahahaha!! I'm getting platinum next week!!!!

P.S.: Butterfree, dont be surprised if the Leta evolution line is stolen by gamefreak and made into the 5th Generation pseudo-legendaries

[25/03/2009 12:53:17]


typhloise, do you ev train and look for decent ivs

[25/03/2009 04:37:01]


I'm so sad. Since Platinum's been out, I keep checking in at my local stores. None of them have it, I was late that first day, and they sold out and haven't got any more shipments. I'm so sad…

[25/03/2009 03:33:48]


My brother isn't that young. We get very competitive, and would not want to share our games, just because we like competing against each other.

[25/03/2009 00:14:44]


why dont you want him playing your game (its not like he'll eat it)

i let my sister play my game

the way i see it less training for me

i make my sister train my pokemon (just tell them to play in the grass and fight pokemon!!)

[24/03/2009 21:31:13]


dont worry about why

i need to know HOW!!

i just need to know if there is a way to do it

[24/03/2009 21:29:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC