Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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TYPHLOISE go to it is the best rom site ive ever been to all free also…click emulators………game boy advance….it should be the first one…..visualboy advance(or virtual i dont remember) and then click roms…….and …gameboy advance….then find the game you want….fire red is my favorite to hack (mainly because almost all programs work with it)….sorry just saw that you wwere asking about that :P…..during the new commercial for some show with justin timberlake creepy red letters popped up and were rolling(like a slot machine) and they stopped except for the last one kept spinning…it was really random and scary…if anyone wants a picture email me and ill end it to you it scared me alot :(..
[20/04/2009 04:19:54]
Website: Igloos and Dumbbells
Commenting on: 04-07-09GASP! Butterfree made a grammatical error! I think….
[20/04/2009 04:08:33]
OMIGOSH! I totally forgot tomorrow is 4:20!?
i hafta draw a 4 20 mehw :P
wow 1st time pichu spammy[20/04/2009 03:56:24]
ha theres not really a spoiler this is underlined?
[20/04/2009 03:27:37]
rofl hell yes! KIBA FTW!
granbull spammy…..if you get mew im gonna cry[20/04/2009 01:56:11]
Talking? Aren't we SUPPOSED to talk in a guestbook? What did I miss..?
Elekid spammy![20/04/2009 01:33:20]
So…. much…. talking…. *goes into minor coma*
[20/04/2009 01:31:46]
Why I hate Luxord? He's TIME. Even though I like Sailor Pluto… I hate the attribute TIME. Do you like Naruto?
Rotom spammy![20/04/2009 01:27:12]
That eevee i caught destroyed my save….*sigh* time to isten to that dumbass yellow haired kid for the 5000th time
[20/04/2009 01:22:58]
vexen i like because he is ice and thast my type marluxia would be cool if he wasnt an evil dbag and what did luxord do to you? also! i figured out a way to figure out theyr true names…ive figured out..maybe 6 email me ore email my phone (it sends me a picture message) axel roxas vexen marluxia my top 4 rikus my top non org tidus is 2nd (hes always been cool)
[20/04/2009 01:06:56]
Oh, dear…Too many! I like Marluxia and Vexen…But then there's Xemnas…And Xigbar is pure win…But I can tell ya this, I HATE Luxord!
Jumpluff spammy![20/04/2009 00:53:14]
I love kingdom hearts too ^_^ whos your favorite org xiii ? Mynes Axel…hes so SEXY! And im a guy so thats reallly sexy
[20/04/2009 00:49:51]
that wasnt there 3 times on purpose….i didnt do it
[20/04/2009 00:48:03]
:D thanks! I'm a Kingdom Hearts junkie, I can't help it…
[20/04/2009 00:46:32]
I spelled somthing wrong? And lol to the person about sitars and deoxys….genious
sorry that was my quest to catch mew :][20/04/2009 00:39:26]
Sorry Typhloise i just have so many thoughts at once okay im going to test it as my (magikarp thing)pokemon and as pokemon in the wild ..i doubt it will work but eh…and i have written a 30 chapter fanfic but it literally burned….(dont ask :3) i cryed… lol typhloise nice poetry ill try better….fudge i have pidgeotto…one moment please…… gligar!?l…. gligar can glide far on purple wings floating by grabbing things with purple claws stuffing rattatta into its maw too bad it cant unhindge its jaw….>.> ugh *throws up* rofl it rhymed? TEXT ME! 515-745-2899
[20/04/2009 00:36:27]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesNo, Splash does not confuse the opponent, no matter how many times you use it. It's the same as those silly rumours from the R/B/Y days about Splash doing damage to Tentacool; I tried that personally and it didn't work either.
And please, we are really not interested in seeing a list of all the spamblock Pokémon you get if you refresh a lot of times. Feel free to refresh the page if you want, but don't post about it. I'd also recommend trying to use better spelling, since it can be hard to make out what you're trying to say.[20/04/2009 00:35:59]
I take my sitar wherever I go~!
I can do a poke-ku…
I like deoxys
People call him uber dumb
but I don't really care
Wailmer spammy![20/04/2009 00:33:56]
It might be just me, but it's hard to read what you're writing. It's just so… fast.
Ranger's good. Enough to keep me occupied enough to complete my Browser.
I like writing. I've attempted to write a novel, about two years ago, but only got about four or five chapters in. With schoolwork now, I only have time to write short, 10-20 page stories for school. I've never attempted to write a fanfic, however.
Articuno for spammifier.
Articuno was a bird,
Made of ice and made of words,
HTML is the prime,
And it's not… made… of… limes?
This is why I rarely do poetry, as well.[19/04/2009 23:13:08]
Some Guy
That is not true in any way. Ever.
[19/04/2009 23:05:47]
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