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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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If you really want the GS remake, you should wait
but it will be a while
3-5 years!!
Platinum is amazing!!! so keep that in mind!!![18/04/2009 14:51:50]
Hey, guys! Remember me…? 'Sbeen awhile.
Should I get Platinum, or wait to see if they remake G/S? 'Cause if the do a remake, I'm not getting Platinum.
Pineco spammy.[18/04/2009 02:26:17]
never mind, i fixed it
[16/04/2009 19:31:44]
i know this isn't about pokemon but…
i've connected my computer to my tv with an s-video cord and i have a problem
only my desktop background is showing. when i open a window i can not see it on the tv only on my computer. is there a way so i can see everything that is on my computer on my tv!
ps i've done it before, just not to the same tv (it usually just automatically does it)[16/04/2009 04:25:39]
Pikachu Goddess
There, there. *pats head and gives chocolate bunny*
[16/04/2009 04:24:28]
Some Guy
Well i didn't get anything. D:
[15/04/2009 23:35:23]
Pikachu Goddess
I wish I was gorging out on Easter candy… I only got a few things and that's it. v_v
[15/04/2009 22:58:44]
Mine's math!!!!! (im just really good at it) and I suck at English I mean, I do my best at English, but my best just isn't too good…heh
[14/04/2009 18:30:57]
Whoops. Wrong name; the below "Pantera" comment was by me. I was just logging on another place and accidently put Pantera here for my name. Not that it really matters, but…
[14/04/2009 02:21:31]
Subject-wise, my favorite is Science, and my best is math.
But, I'm not bad at anything. I'm above-average at everything school-related, other than organisation. Glad we don't have a class about that; I'd fail![14/04/2009 02:18:52]
Swiss chocolate… Mmmmmmm…
Thanks for the positive comments!
Surprisingly, I haven't been gorging out on Easter chocolate lately.
I was just wondering, what is everybody's best and favorite subject? Mine's history, Science, Math, and English.[14/04/2009 00:51:49]
Hi Butterfree!^^ (heh…it's been awile lol)
Your reviews on Explorers of Time and Shadows of Almia were pretty cool, by the way. My brother own's both of these games, by the way…my personal favorite was the Mystery Dungeon one, which really did have an intresting storyline to it and stuff (he own's darkness version, by the way…i'm not really sure what the difference is, though. maybe certurn Pokémon you capture in it?).
I thought the orrigional Pokémon Mystery Dungeon was cool too, though…the whole 'fugitives' part had it's good fair share of deepness, to me, anyways (It seemed well put together enouth for me, anyways…heh).
And, yeah…currently a bit drowzy and kind of spazztic from all the Easter candy I ate yesterday. Hope your enjoying yourself in Switzerland! (by the way, the idea of a Pokémon Japanese volcabulary section sound's…intresting, espesally since i'm rather intrested in the Japanese language overall. just thought i'd mension that, too)[13/04/2009 14:44:00]
Commenting on: 04-07-09Hiya! I've been a fan of this website or a while, and I hope you have fun in Switzerland. I've never been there before. =P
And yes, my name is from the band My Chemical Romance. o_O[13/04/2009 14:24:32]
Dark Shaymin
Website: Kaiuu Adoptables
Commenting on: 04-07-09Have fun!
[12/04/2009 21:55:35]
Who would want to go to Florida? I live down there and it sucks. . . . But what really sucks is the city I live in doesn't have a Toys R' us T_T
[12/04/2009 06:15:12]
(wishes Dragonfree read this when she came back from Switzerland)
Umm, Dragonfree, I used the Articuno Snowflake Style, and it is a little bit uncomfortable while using the 1920*1440 screen resolution. And the background color is going too bright. Or maybe there's a problem with my monitor.[11/04/2009 03:11:15]
Daughter of Mew
Website: Cavern of Mew
Commenting on: 04-07-09Switzerland? Nice. I like it there, they have good chocolate.
[11/04/2009 00:01:56]
Amazing website, was looking at it while pokemon cyrus was on maintanence
Love the humour section ;D
And the theory on how pokemon and humans come into existance :][10/04/2009 22:20:44]
Yeah, Typhloise is always like that. And I do know him in real life.
[10/04/2009 16:56:46]
I thought that was copied and pasted out of a Wikipedia article until I actually read it. Is Typhloise like that all the time, Greenumbreon? (I get the impression that you two know each other in real life.)
I'm going to the Shaymin event tomorrow in Bristol! =DDDDDD They called it "The Search for Giratina", though, which is pointless because we all have one already. Anyway, I hope I get to point and laugh at the staff member who has to wear the Ash Ketchum costume.[10/04/2009 14:36:07]
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