Poll Hall
This is an archive of polls that have been on the front page at one point or another, in reverse chronological order (newest first). You can still vote in them if you like. Not every poll is here; generally, the missing ones are polls that were simply outdated and irrelevant, such as polls asking for input on site decisions that were made years ago, or discussing pages that aren't on the site anymore. It does include various polls that are obviously dated but amusing to see the results of in retrospect, though (mostly polls about new Pokémon developments created as they were happening).
The Pokémon franchise is twenty years old now. Many who are fans today have been fans for almost that long. But when did you come in?

So! The sixth generation is upon us.

I'm feeling boring, so here's a really typical, classic meaningless poll.

Looks like the incarnation of adorable is a four-legged fluffy electric spider. Who knew?

Black and White are out and the Internet is exploding with squee!

So, the fifth generation is coming out.

So all the fan speculation is finally coming to fruition and we are going to have Gold and Silver remakes after all!

So Pokémon Platinum is coming out!

My brother claims that there are as many different opinions about the Monty Python movies as there are people, so I decided to put this to the test.

Let's be random and unoriginal with the poll now!

So the D/P Vs. Seeker is finally up. Is it worth the wait?

What is the one piece of music that makes you think most of Pokémon? Note that this is not about your favorite Pokémon music; it's what music gives you those Pokémon nostalgia-chills when you hear it.

So, just how many of those 1,000,000 front page hits are yours?

Spectrum style!

It's been a lovely four years with various milestones, but how long have you been here?

I'm obsessed with trying to make everybody do the Monthly Crossword, but I have doubted my success...

*opens and closes GBA SP repeatedly*

On the title screen of the Pokémon games (and actually all Gameboy games I've seen), it tells you to "press Start". However, I always press A and the game has no objections. Do you actually press Start or just A?

This has got to be the most random poll the world has ever seen.

So, how is Nidokingu's Sevii Islands walkthrough?

I did originally make it for myself, but...

This had to happen one day... I'm not only putting a "You suck" option, I'm making a whole poll about it...

I have suspicions... so...

I know it's a fern... but still...

*hums Colosseum music*

I'm always writing this fanfic of mine when I should be updating... but is it worth it?

This site was called "Butterfree's Pokémon Site" when it started. But did you ever visit it before it became The Cave of Dragonflies?

Misdreavus is the star of Misdreavus style (formerly Cave Style) because I think it's the cutest Pokémon ever. Does that make me weird?

Ahh, Scyther... such a lovely Pokémon...

Raikou, Entei and Suicune, the legendary beasts of Gold, Silver and Crystal... but nobody cares about that. The only thing that matters is...

I come from the mountains...

The aerodynamic interceptors... the lack of definition... the computer room managers of gymnastics... the fried potato to the English...

Is it just me, or has Kingdra had one drink too many?

Look at this Charizard sprite from Ruby and Sapphire. A lot of Charizard fans see a disturbing nose on it... but do YOU?

Page last modified August 13 2016 at 02:34 UTC