
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.

Squornshellous Beta

…And now it's back.

[19/09/2010 18:10:04]

Squornshellous Beta

Veekun's button's gone from the links menu.

[19/09/2010 16:10:48]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

To be entirely fair, a Grass/Dragon-type starter would be way broken; it would no longer be weak to Fire at all. :/

(Incidentally, full B/W Pokédex with sprites and everything up on veekun.)

[19/09/2010 15:47:14]

Surfing Pikachu

Yeah it seems like it should be this way in my opinion:

Smugleaf should get Dragon-type in its final evolution

Pokabu should get Dark-type in its final evolution. SERIOUSLY, there are way too many Fire/Fighting types!!

*smashes keyboard in frustration*

Mijumaru should be Water/Fighting.

[19/09/2010 12:57:51]

Squornshellous Beta

Oh, definitely Tsutaaja. I always pick the Grass-type, except in Johto-based games where I choose Cyndaquil. Also, DRAGONS.

Am I the only one who's not disappointed by the fact that only Pokabu's line gets a second type?

[19/09/2010 07:42:57]

Emerald Espeon

I can never remember the Japanese names, but definitely the Grass type one. I've always picked the Grass types, except in R/S where I picked Torchic. I don't pick them because they're Grass types, though, I just generally like their designs. Maybe because I love green. I did kind of pick Turtwig when I couldn't choose because it was a Grass type, though.

Oh, they came out today! I was wondering how Serebii suddenly had a B/W Pokédex.

[18/09/2010 23:25:29]


The awesome Mijumaru.^-^

It's an awesome Pokemon.XD

It's BS are just Deadly.

[18/09/2010 22:48:34]


Definately Tsutarja. I usually don't start with the grass types, but THIS ONE EVOLVES INTO A FRICKIN DRAGON.I'm a sucker for dragons. In fact, my web name comes from an frost dragon I made up. The 'agin' part of it is from my middle name.

[18/09/2010 22:09:53]


Can't really decide…. Probably not Pokabu. I can't stand the thought of the Fire-Type starter being a pig.

Also, is it just me, or does the male trainer's clothing look exteremely similar to Platinum's?

[18/09/2010 21:25:10]

Surfing Pikachu

BTW, that was my mistake - I thought he/she wrote "I hear hamsters LIKE chicken," as in to eat, so that's my bad. I didn't mean to write stuff that didn't have to do with anything because I'm respect rules on sites but that won't happen again.

So, what starter are you picking for Black and White? I'm picking Mijumaru ^_^

[18/09/2010 19:37:22]

Surfing Pikachu

You just don't like me, do you?

I get it. We're not gonna like everybody we meet.

Erf, sea otters are cute too. . .?

[18/09/2010 16:27:53]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Um, I get if you really like hamsters, but making repeated posts just to make random statements about hamsters that don't have any relevance to the discussion is spam. :/

[18/09/2010 15:40:09]

Surfing Pikachu

They like lettuce, carrots, grapes, blueberries, celery, corn, apples, sunflower seeds, crickets, whole grain bread, unsalted popcorn with no butter, cheese, cooked ground beef, and cooked chicken or turkey.


[18/09/2010 15:35:33]

Squornshellous Beta

I hear hamsters taste like chicken.

[18/09/2010 06:06:08]

Surfing Pikachu

My hamster doesn't poop in my hand because she loves me.

Wheeeeeee hamstersssssssss

[17/09/2010 20:57:45]

Surfing Pikachu

*hugs giant hamster*

Wheeee! Hamsters are so adorable! Issocute when it runs on its wheel and when its in its hamster ball and awwwwwww hamster

[17/09/2010 20:56:53]


Oh wow, that is a leap. o_0

[17/09/2010 20:56:52]

Website: Sonic and Pals

Sure. Like i said, "make up and be friends." and fwee, hamsters. The only thing wrong with them is that they poop in your hand. I speak from experience. Here are some links with a fire-breathing hamster:




Website is the first comic in this series.

[17/09/2010 20:25:47]

Surfing Pikachu

*comes back to make sure she didn't forget anything*

Come on - I say that "I hate you" to my friends all the time when they bother me and we just laugh about it. We both know I didn't mean it. So, I didn't mean that I hated you, I just was a little embarrassed. I'm sorry if I offended anybody!! Let's just start over.

I'm Surfing Pikachu. I love hamsters. Hamsters are so cute, aren't they?

[17/09/2010 19:57:16]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

They're level seventy the second time around; the first time, they're woefully underleveled at 48/50, with the Champion suddenly being this huge spike.

[17/09/2010 19:51:28]

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