
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


Butterfree, I was just assuming that those were two unrelated ideas, and that JB just forgot to split it into two paragraphs.

How about GoatRuby and BullSapphire as names?

…No, I wasn't being serious.

[09/10/2010 17:04:22]

Website: Pwnttt


[09/10/2010 17:03:35]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…what? When did being into competitive battling become a prerequisite for liking Ruby and Sapphire?

[09/10/2010 16:34:28]



Torterra is D/P/Pt.

Also what what what I hate you now 'k

[09/10/2010 15:19:01]


Yeah, i only played Sapphire for the Kyogre. I'm not into competitive battling, I just want to complete the Pokedex for no reasons. (Sorry, no accents on my keyboard.)

[09/10/2010 15:10:38]

JB (Not Justin Bieber)
Website: Fighunter. Learn what it is.

I hate Ruby and Sapphire. Unlike most people, I don't breed for IVs and such (because I'm too lazy to calculate them) and I'm not a competitive battler. I have thoughts of entering that scene for my Eon Pokemon (I hate no accent over the e! But, I have no symbols so… meh) and Torterra. Glaring weakness to Ice-type anyone? Latias with Flamethrower, anyone?

[09/10/2010 04:40:43]


I'm in there somewhere. :P

[09/10/2010 03:04:19]


Wow, cool site! :D

I just entered myself into the list of The Rulers of the Universe (or something like that)

[09/10/2010 02:11:39]


luv da site!!!

[08/10/2010 23:44:41]


Yes, but you have to be careful. I mean, when we were guessing HGSS(then known as GSDS) names, I bet at least one person guessed GoldenSun. Hello, copyright infringement! (i know about this because I own GS one and two, and hope to own 3.)

[08/10/2010 19:14:31]


Hehe, I know. Its fun to do so anyhow. :B

[08/10/2010 17:24:26]


Your reasoning makes sense.

[08/10/2010 14:24:38]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, that.

Um. I'm not as sure as everyone seems to be that we're going to get R/S remakes to begin with (they're still compatible with the current generation, so why bother?). Also, there is no pattern to the names of the remakes so far beyond the WordName structure), and too small a sample size to generalize at all, so I honestly think it's kind of pointless to be talking about what prospective R/S remakes would be called.

[08/10/2010 02:34:28]


I think s/he is talking about feedback on names for R/S remakes.

[08/10/2010 01:48:39]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Huh? Feedback on what?

[07/10/2010 22:44:39]


@Happy: Hehe, thanks. Although Raging Ruby and Soothing Sapphire does sound interesting… I'll go Google it.

Do you have any feedback, Butterfree?

[07/10/2010 22:10:19]


Woah, when did the Keeping Pikachu Happy section get removed?? :0

-ninjapoofs out-

(ooh, Sonar, I really like that theory. I myself am banking on Radical Ruby and Super Sweet Sapphire, and by "banking" I mean "if this does not happen I am launching an assault on Game Freak headquaters to make it happen".)

-ninjapoofs again-

[07/10/2010 13:24:57]


I saw somewhere on the Bulbagarden forums the titles Raging Ruby and Soothing Sapphire.

[07/10/2010 02:40:13]


I wonder what they would be called… my (very UNEDUCATED) guess would be Honest Sapphie and Passion Ruby, in reference to the FRLG ruby and sapphire key items post-nat'l dex side quest (if you can digest that, I can barely myself)

[06/10/2010 21:36:49]


Huh. Okay…

I don't know about anyone else, but I can't wait for Ruby/Sapphire remakes (honestly, where would we be if Game Freak didn't give us an updated Hoenn? :P )

It. Would. Be. EPIC!

[06/10/2010 21:18:31]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC