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My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHave you actually played the game?
[13/10/2010 01:32:01]
Where does it say anything in the Zodiac/ Magikarp: tG pages about Magikarp being powerful? I'd like to see that! lol ;)
[13/10/2010 00:22:37]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesPikablu rumours are dumb and everyone knows it's not there, what with the whole game having been disassembled years ago.
[12/10/2010 19:23:57]
\/ can you do this?
The Super Mario Galaxy stars spell out UR MR GAY[12/10/2010 17:29:45]
[12/10/2010 17:28:06]
I used to like Mew style(Yes a boy that likes pink -_-)but now I perfer HELLFIRE HAHAHAHAHAHA
Please post a picture on what you are doing
Scratch that
I found Pikablu in my Pokemon Yellow][12/10/2010 17:25:32]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesHave you done a hard refresh? If not, the old stylesheet is probably cached in your browser. Hold down shift and refresh the page, then try again.
[12/10/2010 16:06:02]
Squornshellous Beta
Not fixed. Still does that.
[12/10/2010 15:44:20]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesSquornshellous Beta: Ha, I forgot to update the stylesheet. Should be fixed now.
Enkoe: Eh, it's not really necessary. :/ Devamps are pretty much revamps, except backwards: you're taking the new sprite and transforming it to the style of the old one. At most I could try to explain the elements of the style of the older sprites the way I explain how it works in the post-Advance games, but mostly it's still always about mimicking the source sprite's style.[12/10/2010 14:32:15]
Hey Butterfree! You should make a guide in your Spriting guide about "devamps"!
[12/10/2010 07:51:56]
Squornshellous Beta
When I clicked on the zodiac image (for today, 12 october, if it matters) the textbox that came up did this. I run the latest version of Firefox if it helps.
[12/10/2010 06:28:41]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies
Commenting on: 10-10-10The Legend of Thunder review is what I'm working on at the moment. HG/SS Places to Train would be after that, unless by that time my White has arrived and I'm too busy going "ooh, shiny!" to do anything else.
[11/10/2010 20:31:29]
Commenting on: 10-10-10You mention the Legend of Thunder review, but not HG/SS Places to Train… how is that progressing? Or did you postpone/abandon it due to Gen V hype?
[11/10/2010 20:24:38]
Surfing Pikachu
Website: Mijumaru's Water OathWhy'd I just do that? Ignore that spoiler thingy I was gonna make a spoiler but I decided I wasn't spoiling anything, so nevermind! Lol
[10/10/2010 17:35:37]
Surfing Pikachu
Website: Mijumaru's Water OathOh God. I feel like killing myself over this stupid Secret Link game. Seriously, where is it? It's not on the page that the clues are leading me to! It's not anywhere!/spoiler]
[10/10/2010 17:34:01]
Meh. Oh well. I don't remember what i was thinking, I was tired. sorry for the confusion.
[10/10/2010 00:00:49]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesIVs have always been around - they were just more commonly called DVs and ranged from 0 to 15 instead of 0 to 31.
[09/10/2010 23:05:39]
gen 3 was when EV's and IV's were introduced. I think.
[09/10/2010 22:31:32]
hey everyone!
[09/10/2010 20:15:14]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesFrostagin also responded as if there was a connection there, though. o_O
[09/10/2010 18:49:03]
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