
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


What CrystalLunaDragon said.XD

[17/09/2010 17:16:55]

Website: Clickies

We are friendly D: We just don't like being hated.

Sunflora ^^

[17/09/2010 12:18:07]

Surfing Pikachu

I didn't mean it literally.

*finds a new good Pokemon fansite to go to with friendly peoples*

[17/09/2010 11:28:00]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Oh, I agree that it's irritating to be mistaken for a guy online all the time - one of the reasons I went with "Butterfree" rather than "Charizard" when I was first creating a nickname for myself was that I figured the former would be slightly less likely to be automatically assumed to belong to a male - but that's still no reason to get mortally offended if people do mistake you for a guy when you haven't made it explicit anywhere - mildly irritated I get, but that's a gut reaction that should be filtered through your rational mind's knowledge that they had no way of knowing you're a girl beforehand.

[17/09/2010 03:47:20]


I agree with you, but hope that Surfing Pikachu isn't offended by these comments. She, as do all us other girls, have a right to make it known that we are not boys, let alone stupid and rude ones. I just hope that we try to be polite about it. :P And yes, I am a girl.

[17/09/2010 02:13:46]

Website: Click Please ^^

@Surfing Pikachu: …. on forums and stuff i sometimes get called a boy… but i don't hate people for it…

And Butterfree is right, it does have a warning…

Gastly ^^

[17/09/2010 01:56:10]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Um, hating people because they default to a male pronoun when there is no way to know the gender of the person is a bit extreme, don't you think? No need to be so offended.

The thing about sex is that if you don't know about it already, most non-explicit discussion of it is simply going to fly right over your head. I know this from personal experience. Something possessed me to start reading Brave New World when I was nine; that book is full of sex, but when I reread it years later I could have sworn it simply was not there when I first read it, because while I remembered the story of what went on decently I did not remember a word of that. The reason? I didn't understand it, and thus it just went in one ear and out the other, so to speak.

Similarly, many G or PG-rated movies vaguely imply the existence of sex, but it's okay because you're not going to get it unless you know there is something to get; it's perfectly safe as long as nothing is actually shown or graphically discussed.

What I actually say in the conspiracy theory is extremely innocent - it's just that babies come from somewhere that's not the stork. The bit about the Do Not Disturb sign can get a chuckle out of people who know what I mean, but if they do there's no real harm in it, and if you don't know what I mean, you're just not going to get it and will shrug it off instead.

The In-Game Humour section has a special PG-13 warning at the top, so I think I can permit myself to be ever so slightly more suggestive there. Nonetheless, that section is still not explicit in any way. If kids are here ignoring warnings, they have far greater problems to deal with than the In-Game Humour, what with Morphic and The Fall of a Leader.

[16/09/2010 23:02:56]

Surfing Pikachu

By the way, I didn't mean it was severely inappropriate. I meant "not really," not "really not."

And if you talk about me use the word SHE.

Thank you.

[16/09/2010 22:11:31]

Surfing Pikachu

I HATE YOU ALL! I'm a girl, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

And I'm talking about the daycare couple and and the in-game humor! I didn't mean to make such a big deal!! GOSH!

[16/09/2010 22:08:31]

Commenting on: 09-11-10

I was wondering when you might do that. I was rather expecting it.

Oooh, shiny Pokemon!

[16/09/2010 04:43:39]


no, pollys mad cause the site awards are down. and sorry for the badish grammar, our spacebar is broken and i didnt have the heart to spellcheck and stuff like that. and lol, pidgey spammy.

[16/09/2010 04:09:55]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Ferb: Hopefully soon-ish. I'm on the seventh page so far, but there are still several things to be brought up in the chapter.

[15/09/2010 22:03:10]

Jirachi's BFF
Website: A random RPG I'm in.XD


You hate it that much?

[15/09/2010 21:52:36]

Commenting on: 09-11-10

*throws huge tomato*

[15/09/2010 21:23:08]


Speaking of Morphic, when is the next chapter coming out?

[15/09/2010 20:38:52]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

…*adds more warnings to Morphic anyway for good measure*

The PG-13 rating was way outdated anyway, since at the time I wrote the first chapter and gave it the rating I actually thought the only rating-worthy things in it would be the swearing and controversial subjects. As it turned out, I was quite wrong.

[15/09/2010 03:14:42]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Yeah, I was thinking he's either complaining about my using "damn" and "hell" here and there, stumbled into Morphic despite the warnings, or (which would be related to the latest update) he's being mortified by the conspiracy theory about the Day-Care couple, which mentions the existence of sex. I wasn't quite sure which I should be responding to.

I don't really think "I'm an atheist" could conceivably be viewed as inappropriate for children in particular, no matter how religious you are, so I doubt that's it.

[15/09/2010 02:29:24]


He's probably referring to your occasional use of "Damn" on the site, and much worse language in Morphic. Even that, however, isn't nearly as severe as Surfing Pikachu seems to be implying, so that may not be it.

Or, somewhat more hilariously, he could just be a fundie referring to that one small paragraph saying that your an Atheist.

Then again, I could be completely wrong on both points.

[15/09/2010 02:16:15]


Don't you know? All of those WORDS!

Kids could get to thinking and then, well…

[14/09/2010 23:53:44]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

What in particular are you thinking of?

[14/09/2010 23:42:08]

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