
Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.

Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.


My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.


I was responding to Butterfree.

[06/10/2010 19:55:58]


I was talking to Random Person, and Butterfree was talking about Ruby's Icelandic grammar. IDK what Bob was talking about.

[06/10/2010 15:50:37]


…what is every one talking about?

[06/10/2010 02:25:00]


Whee, In-game humor. one of the funniest pages on the site, tied with conspiracy theories.

[05/10/2010 17:00:01]


That was Georgian.


O, jy is net VERBAND.

[05/10/2010 01:01:03]


??, ????? ??????? ????? ????????.

[05/10/2010 00:59:58]

Website: The Cave of Dragonflies

Google Translate doesn't know very good Icelandic, either. :P

[05/10/2010 00:36:40]

Random Person

Hey, just wanted to say that I love your site. I read it all the time just for kicks. It's super funny, and I love the in-game humor section.

[04/10/2010 23:04:04]


Halló! Hvað er nýtt? Mér finnst gaman að vefsvæðið þitt! Ég get ekki talað íslensku vel, því miður.

[04/10/2010 21:33:55]


They still haven't added any!

The most recent was that llama, which was like two years ago. Hm.

Freaking birthday. What the hell, would I actually put in my birthday? Why do you need so much crap in your password? I can't remember any of that! Jeez.

[04/10/2010 19:53:50]

Emerald Espeon

If you want a real nostalgia trip, look for a picture of the old layout. And those cute banners they used to have on every page!

*kicks Hiikaru* All my night actions are already up to date. :D

[04/10/2010 00:51:34]


I just visited Neopets and had the most massive nostalgia trip. Then I couldn't log in and kept accidentally clicking on the obnoxious ads.

[03/10/2010 20:34:25]


Ah-hah! So that's why I hadn't seen you around until recently. I started visiting a lot more after mafia came up, too.

(psst don't forget to send in your night actions)

[03/10/2010 07:16:44]

Emerald Espeon

I joined the forums two years ago and then completely forgot I had an account until the awesomeness that is the Mafia forum opened :P

[03/10/2010 03:36:31]

Website: My Forum Profile.FWEE!


I joined the forums!XD

[03/10/2010 00:37:23]


Giggidy Giggidy Goo!

[02/10/2010 22:45:41]



[02/10/2010 21:50:37]



[02/10/2010 03:05:40]


I've been posting for about a year now. I discovered the site in early Sept '09, and started posting in Oct - Nov. Not sure on the exact time.

And the inactivity time was about 3-4 days. Yes I counted.

I, also, went to a Great big Sea concert last night. loads of fun. they gave the audience a singing test and we got to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. :D

[01/10/2010 00:50:54]

Emerald Espeon

Haha Bob, I had that same revelation yesterday! Or some other time this week. About me, I mean, not you. I started posting around July 2007, I think…

[01/10/2010 00:43:32]

Page last modified November 3 2020 at 01:58 UTC