Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies guestbook.
Off-topic discussion is allowed, but spam is not; please make sure all your messages are of substantial meaning that at least somebody would be interested in reading and responding to. That being said, obviously I appreciate comments relating to The Cave of Dragonflies, whether they are error reports, questions, suggestions or whatever else you might want to get across.
My own messages will be signed as Butterfree, with the Admin label below my name. If someone signs as Butterfree without that label, it's probably not me.
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Yay inactivity~
Hey, this is the third year I've been posting on here![30/09/2010 02:30:17]
Well, TTE is 21. And also, I got a Mawile for both of my last two posts.
[26/09/2010 00:02:54]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesOr, you know, veekun. Being the guy who ripped the sprites they're probably offering, and generally awesome, and having the best Pokédex on the Internet.
[25/09/2010 22:43:01]
…………….Wow.[25/09/2010 19:55:56]
And TTE (bulbapedia editor-in-chief) says EFF YEAH SEAKING!
[25/09/2010 19:51:08]
This website to download 5th gen sprites :D
And that is what my brother said to me yesterday[25/09/2010 18:48:46]
Website: If you signup I will give you a cookie.XD OR WILL I?0_0ANd Kingdra is awesome.
[25/09/2010 16:48:22]
Website: The Cave of DragonfliesYeah; they've kind of gone out of their way to make most fully evolved Dragon-types doubly weak to Ice, what with Dragon/Flying and Ground/Dragon. :/ Before the fifth generation, the only non-legendary Dragon-type not doubly weak to Ice was Kingdra.
[25/09/2010 15:43:35]
Like,95/100 Dragon types are 4x weak to Ice, and they do just fine.XD[25/09/2010 14:25:15]
Surfing Pikachu
A Grass/Dragon-type would have to run far, far, far away from all Ice-types.
[25/09/2010 12:22:23]
Lol Backspace=more messages
[25/09/2010 08:21:40]
Meh It's not like the front page is gonna flood
[25/09/2010 08:19:55]
Commenting on: 09-19-10That lawyer is stooooooooopid. Period.
[23/09/2010 15:35:38]
Squornshellous Beta
Besides which, I'm pretty sure you can't transfer things that know HMs anyway, though I could be wrong.
[23/09/2010 06:54:50]
Raichu Flareon
Commenting on: 09-19-10I agree, it's really stupid (the copyright thing). So stupid that I overreacted when I saw the pics taken down from Serebii… ^^;;;
[23/09/2010 03:00:02]
[22/09/2010 22:44:01]
Website: The Cave of Dragonflies…um, it's quite easy to just go to the Move Deleter, you know. o_O Definitely easier than transferring it to B/W first.
[22/09/2010 22:28:32]
well, now you dont need to go to that stupid move deleter three-quarters through the game. my LV twenty-nine kricketune is stuck with rock smash 'cause i forgot about the Brick Break TM i have, and now i cant make it learn, say, Return or Substitute.
…but if i transfer it to BW once im through with the Elite 4, it doesn't have to be stuck with Rock Smash!!
mwahahaha!!![22/09/2010 21:08:41]
I'm not sure what you're so excited about…it's just like Flash…
[22/09/2010 19:40:53]
Yeah, but now they are AGAIN!!!
BWAHAHAHA!!![22/09/2010 05:57:34]
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